HOMEBREW Digest #1726 Tue 09 May 1995

Digest #1725 Digest #1727

		Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

  Re : is brewing for guy's only? (Andy Price)
  Superb Burner/RIMS (Evan Kraus)
  Yeast Question (Robert_Ser)
  call for judges| (uswlsrap)
  Make a Wish Foundation (cross posted) (Thomas Magill)
  RE: Repitching yeast/Mashing in Oven (david lawrence shea)
  Lauter-Tun questions... (James Powell)
  RE: Smoking Grains for Brewing (Matthew_Gregory)
  Terminal Gravity (LBRISTOL)
  Re: Hops ("Stephen E. Hansen")
  Wicked bottles info (Mark Worwetz)
  Re: Rauchbier (Shroud of Gloom)
  RE:Make a Wish Foundation (cross posted) (Drew Janssen)
  Iodine test (kevin)
  McEwan's Scotch Ale (Wesley McDaniel)
  Aluminum Brewpots (Rob Emenecker)
  Anyone used a Mr. Beer? (Mark Bailey)
  good times (Steve Robinson)
  Weizen / #3068 (Jeff Stampes)
  Make a Wish -- ERROR!! (Ben Ide)
  Virus size (Jeremy Ballard Bergsman)
  Glass Fast African First (Russell Mast)
  ads infinitum ("Wallinger, W. A.")
  Unmalted Red Winter Wheat (You can feel good about Hood!)
  Alzheimer's (Steve Robinson)
  Pale Ale Recipe ("Timothy P. Laatsch)
  Male/Female ratio and other sordid (assorted) topics (Karen.Coffel)
  Brewers Resource mills (Kirk L. Oseid)
  Need Large Tanks (jimmyo)
  Brewing - A Guy Thing (Jeff Hewit)
  What to do with a SS keg? (Kenneth Whitney)
  Long Dial Thermometers (Kirk Fleming / Metro Technologies)
  Bottling beer? (Paul Hannah)

****************************************************************** * POLICY NOTE: Due to the incredible volume of bouncing mail, * I am going to have to start removing addresses from the list * that cause ongoing problems. In particular, if your mailbox * is full or your account over quota, and this results in bounced * mail, your address will be removed from the list after a few days. * * If you use a 'vacation' program, please be sure that it only * sends a automated reply to homebrew-request *once*. If I get * more than one, then I'll delete your address from the list. ****************************************************************** ################################################################# # # YET ANOTHER NEW FEDERAL REGULATION: if you are UNSUBSCRIBING from the # digest, please make sure you send your request to the same service # provider that you sent your subscription request!!! I am now receiving # many unsubscribe requests that do not match any address on my mailing # list, and effective immediately I will be silently deleting such # requests. # ################################################################# Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com (Articles are published in the order they are received.) Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc., to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU), then you MUST unsubscribe the same way! If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first. Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored. For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu ARCHIVES: An archive of previous issues of this digest, as well as other beer related information can be accessed via anonymous ftp at ftp.stanford.edu. Use ftp to log in as anonymous and give your full e-mail address as the password, look under the directory /pub/clubs/homebrew/beer directory. AFS users can find it under /afs/ir.stanford.edu/ftp/pub/clubs/homebrew/beer. If you do not have ftp capability you may access the files via e-mail using the ftpmail service at gatekeeper.dec.com. For information about this service, send an e-mail message to ftpmail at gatekeeper.dec.com with the word "help" (without the quotes) in the body of the message.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 08:32:48 GMT From: pri at MAS.esco.Eurocontrol.be (Andy Price) Subject: Re : is brewing for guy's only? While I was at University there were lots of women interested in homebrew. Now I'm getting married (in 12 days!!!) I introduced the idea of making some beer. My wife to be was really interested, and wants to do it herself - we're going to have a competition between us to see who can make the best pint... Whilst on the subject, if your wife / partner isn't interested in brewing then surely that is O.K. Just because she is your wife / partner should not mean that she ahs to enjoy the things you do. On a new subject, anyone know a good pub / bar in Mombasa? private e-mail most welcome as I'll be unsubscribing for my vacation soon. Andy Price - -------------------------------------------- pri at mas.esco.eurocontrol.be - -------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 06:49:45 -0400 (EDT) From: ejk at bselab.bls.com (Evan Kraus) Subject: Superb Burner/RIMS As John wrote about the Superb Burner in HBD 1725 I have used one for 2 years and love it I get 8 batches of 5 or 10 gal out of one 20 lb tank. I have used Volrath HofStevens kegs and Sanke kegs all have no problems on the burner and 10 gal of 150 deg wort heats to a rolling boil in 15 min I also have a friend who has 2 Camp Chief burners and his work equally fine. Both have Bnajo style burners. So you make the choice !!! Before the Superb I had a Cajun Cooker and used it twice and the sold it at a loss. In HBD 1725 Glen writes about a RIMS FAQ I myself would like to see one as a RIMS user for 2 years it is always a pleasure to hear about what all the RIMSers are doing. Evan Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 08:30:27 edt From: Robert_Ser at ceo.sts-systems.ca Subject: Yeast Question CEO file contents: Brew buddies, Back in mid-February, I collected the yeast slurry (Wyeast #1084) from the bottom of my primary fermenter. The slurry was 'cleaned' by swirling it around with sterile water a few times, and letting the break material and hops separate from the yeast. I dumped the cleaned slurry into one gallon of 1.040 wort. The fermentation took off within 30 minutes. I let the wort ferment completely, and then bottled the whole thing - yeast deposit and all. No priming sugar was used. These bottles have been kept cold (between 37F and 45F) for about three months now... Work and home obligations have kept me from brewing since, but I hope to brew in about two weeks and was hoping to try to use some of this bottled yeast. Can any of you tell me what are the chances of my yeast still being alive and well? Is there any way for a common mortal (i.e. microscope impaired) to check whether the bottled yeast is contaminated? Should I just taste the bottled beer, or maybe try to make a small test starter and taste it after fermentation? In general, how long can bottled yeast stay 'alive'? I am about to brew my first 'unsupervised' all-grain batch and would hate to ruin it because of contaminated yeast... Answers to any of my questions would be very appreciated... Rob in Montreal Robert_Ser at ceo.sts-systems.ca Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 09:04:48 EDT From: uswlsrap at ibmmail.com Subject: call for judges| Yes, now that the entry deadline has arrived, this becomes a post of only regional interest, but can you think of a better way to reach lots of brewers and judges than JudgeNet and HBD? (that's a rhetorical question?) THE NINTH ANNUAL BIG AND HUGE IS COMING, and many judges will make "light" work of all those big-hearted beers of 1.050 OG and higher. It's this Saturday (13th) at 10am in Madison, the Beer Capital of the Midwest, at Angelic Brewing Company, Madison's newest brewpub. If you've previously expressed an interest or requested information, it's now time to confirm your intent to judge. And if you haven't said anything yet, but are now interested, let's talk.... Madison is an easy drive from Chicago, Northern and Central Illinois, Eastern Iowa, Southern Minnesota. And even from Western Michigan or Indiana or Saint-Louis and other places of comparable distance it's not such a bad drive. The fine folks of the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild will see to it that you get a quality judging experience and have a good time :-) If you've been waiting for an excuse to check out all those great beers here, isn't this just the excuse you've needed? Now go have a beer, Bob Paolino / Disoriented in Badgerspace / uswlsrap at ibmmail.com "People who drink light "beer" don't like the taste of beer; they just like to pee a lot" --quote stolen from Capital Brewery, Middleton (Madison), WI Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 09:29:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Thomas Magill <tmagill at acad.bryant.edu> Subject: Make a Wish Foundation (cross posted) This Department recently received a letter from the Massachusetts Department of Health concerning Craig Shergold, a seven year old, who has very little time to live. Craig turned in a wish to the Children's Make a Wish Foundation expressing a desire to have an entry in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most BUSINESS CARDS received by an individual. Please take a minute and help make a little boy's wish come true. Send your business cards to: Craig Shergold c/o Children's Make a Wish Foundation 3200 Permiter Center East Atlanta, GA 30346 USA And please cross post this message to other listservs. Thank you. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 08:35:15 -0500 (EST) From: david lawrence shea <dshea at indiana.edu> Subject: RE: Repitching yeast/Mashing in Oven Bill Cook wrote about re-using yeast: I know lots of people throw fresh wort on top of yeast from an earlier batch, but I always take the extra few minutes to wash the yeast. There is an excellent outline of this simple process in the yeast FAQ. Bill was concerned about using yeast from a stout with a new batch of bitter and whether flavors would carry through. I believe washing the yeast would rid the yeast of previous flavors. If you simply through a freshly boiled bitter on top of spent yeast and trub from a previous batch, I would think there would be some transmitted flavors. I don't know for sure but am going on intuition. ********************** Mike Demers wrote using an oven as an insulated box for mashing: This method works great, however, when you put your kettle in the oven, turn off the heat. The oven is insulated and will keep a steady temperature for the entire mash, as long as you don't open up the door before the mash is complete. I was warned that leaving the heat on might actually raise the temperature or scorch the bottom grains. David L. Shea Indiana University dshea at ucs.indiana.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 10:05:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Tom Wenck <twenck at clark.net> Subject: LP BURNER ADJUSTMENT Could someone describe the proper way to adjust the flame on a King Cooker type propane burner? I am getting massive amounts of soot on my kettles. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 09:22:21 -0500 From: jpowell at surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu (James Powell) Subject: Lauter-Tun questions... I would like to make the jump to all-grain brewing and have a 40 quart cooler that can be used as my lauter-tun. I am thinking of making a false bottom by creating a square from pieces of wood. Then, covering the bottom of this square with screen; the type used in sliding-screen doors. At the bottom of the cooler I could then set the screen on supports to allow proper drainage of the runnings. Since I've never worked with grain in the past I would like to ask the following. 1. Will the screen mesh be sufficient to create a grain bed or would crushed grain still be able to slip through the screen with the runnings? 2. Does anyone see potential problems with making a false bottom using wood and screen? 3. Because of my lack of lautering knowledge is there a better way to create, or material to use, for a false bottom in a 40 quart, square cooler? All replys from beginners to experts are greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim Powell jpowell at surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 10:23:29 -0400 From: Matthew_Gregory at avid.com Subject: RE: Smoking Grains for Brewing FROM: Gregory_Matthew/avid_marketing at answer Wade Wallinger asks about Smoking Grains. 1. what type of malt to use, pale malt? I have had success doing a few backyard grain smoking adventures, using pale and pilsener malts. They seem to absorb more of the smoke character than specialty grains (ie crystal). 2. what type of wood to smoke? anyone ever try mesquite? I have had excellent results brewing with fruit-wood smoked grains. Fruit woods such as Peach & Apple give the grains a very nice smoky flavor. IMHO, woods such as Hickory and Mesquite seem to give too much of a backyard barbecue flavor. There are other woods commonly used, including Beech Wood & Alder. 3. must the grains remain cool while smoking, or is it ok to smoke in a gas grill where they will be exposed to the heat as well? The grains used for smoking should be moist, which allows for more absorption of the smoke flavors. A quick immersion in cold water, or spraying them down with water from a bottle works. A grill could be used for smoking, but would have to allow enough room between the heat source and grains to prevent scorching the grains. Below is my smoking method with a backyard smoker. The smoker is similar to a grill, but has a higher level for the smoking items and a tray in between the heat source and smoking item, that holds water. The water produces steam that keeps the grain moist throughout the smoking. I cut 1/2" pieces of wood from 2" diameter branches, then soak the wood for 20 minutes. The wood pieces ar then placed on top of hot charcoal, which produces smoke very quick. Then the grains are placed on a stainless steel screen on the smoker rack & smoked for about 1 hour. Peach Smoked Porter Recipe (5 Gal All Grain): Grain: 3 lbs smoked 2-row pale malt, using Peach Wood & method above 7 lbs 2-row malt 1/2 lb Black Patent Malt 1/2 lb Med Crystal 1/4 lb Chocolate Malt Hops: 1 oz N. Brewer 7.5% - 60 minutes 1/4 oz Goldings 5% - 30 minutes 1/4 oz Goldings - Finish (Low on hops for more smoke flavor character) Yeast: Liquid Wyeast 1056 starter Single step Infusion Mash at 154 for 90 minutes. Warning: This beer disappears very quickly when friends are around. For Extract batches, the smoked & specialty grains can be steeped up to 170 for 45 min. This should produce a beer in the 1050's for starting gravity. Spring is for Smoking On another note, Doe anyone Know of a mail-source supplier of Belgian Candi sugar? TIA Matthew_Gregory at avid.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 95 08:42:18 CDT From: LBRISTOL at SYSUBMC.BMC.COM Subject: Terminal Gravity A few people have responded to my query about final gravity. Thank you all for the time and information. But I need to clarify what it is I am curious about. In all of the brewing literature I have read, and indeed all of the discussions I have seen about gravities, a tremendous emphasis is placed on the OG. The role of the FG seems to be of little importance, other than in computing the amount of alcohol produced. On the other hand, it seems to be the collective wisdom of all sources I know (including the HBD) that the proteins and dextrins remaining in the final beer contribute to the "thickness", "mouth feel", and so forth. But no one ever seems to be able to put any sort of objective or quantitative measure on this factor. So my question is basically this - Assuming that we allow the beer to reach full attenuation, does the FG represent such an objective, quantitative measure of the amount of protein/dextrine present in the beer, and therefore (by extension), its "thickness", "mouth feel"", etc.? Attenuation is a requirement, because if fermentables still remain, then at least part of the gravity measurement represents these sugars. I do not make beers where I purposely stop the fermentation to make sweet beers, and I do not assume that the unfermented sugars would also contribute "thickness" etc., although it seems logical that they would. As a hypothetical, lets assume we have two beers, one with an OG of 1060 and another at 1040, and when both of these reach attenuation, the FG is 1010. While one of them clearly has produced more alcohol, is it reasonable to expect them both to exhibit the same level of "thickness", "mouth feel", etc.? If the answer is "yes", then the FG would represent an objective measure; if "no", then why not? Or suppose we have two beers that both start at the same OG, but end with FG of 1010 and 1015 respectively. Is it a given that the beer ending at 1015 will have more "mouth feel" than the other? We all know that various mash conditions (such as time, temperature, and pH) effect the ratio of maltose and dextrins produced, and that we can use these to purposely influence the relative dryness/thickness of the resulting beer. I'm looking for an objective way to measure the results of my tinkering with these mash conditions, and it occurs to me that FG might provide this, especially if the OG was the same in all cases. Or maybe I could use the ratio of OG:FG as a little better way to measure. What does the collective wisdom have to say? - -------------------------------------------------------- | Larry Bristol | A brave, Zen-like effort! | | SYSUBMC.BMC.COM | | | (713)918-7802 | ... but it fails. | - -------------------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 07:35:54 -0700 From: "Stephen E. Hansen" <hansen at hops.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Re: Hops In HBD 1723 Jason K. Sloan <bq982 at Freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU> writes: > Well, here in SW Missouri it has been raining for something like > 39 days and 39 nights. It looks like were going for a new record > (biblically speaking) and I had a question about my hop plants. > I planted my root cuttings in the highest area of the back yard > (this is their first year) but they are still getting soaked. If > the water level rises much more their bases will be submerged. > They have started to come up anyway but I was wondering if they > would eventually rot and die with such high water levels. So > far they are only about three inches tall, not the the kind of > growth that I had expected. I planted three hills in March of last year and by mid-April they were jumping out of the ground. This year, one of the wetest on record here, although mild in temperature, I was getting concerned when they hadn't shown up by mid-April. Saturday, May 6th, with still no sign of life, I decided to dig around and see what was going on. The result is damp, rotted, dead, hop cuttings. These hops were fantastic last year. Their first year in the ground and they produced much more than I expected, but the excessive water, (they're too near a downspout I think) did them in. Fortunately, I was parking in front of the local homebrew store that evening and saw that they still had hop cuttings for sale and would be open on Sunday. Well, you can guess what I was doing yesterday. So, the moral is: hops love water when they're growing but the soil should drain well or you can drown them out. > Any info is much appreciated. (Like should I dig them up and > put them in pots until the rainy season is over or should I just > let them go). That's a good question. Since it's their first year and they aren't well established yet you could probably get away with it. Oh, and you asked about rabbits, I would be surprised if the rabbits didn't think that hop shoots were a delicacy. I've heard that deer love them. Stephen Hansen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stephen E. Hansen - hansen at Netserver.Stanford.EDU | The church is near, Computer Security Officer, Room 319, Sweet Hall | but the road is icy. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3090 | The bar is far away, Phone: +1-415-723-1058 Fax: +1-415-725-1548 | but I will walk carefully. WWW & PGP: http://www.stanford.edu/~hansen | -- Russian Proverb =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 09:12:39 -0600 (MDT) From: Mark_Worwetz at Novell.COM (Mark Worwetz) Subject: Wicked bottles info Howdy all from Zion (Land of the choking Jazz)! Response to the Pete's Wicked bottle offer was OVERWHELMING! Over 60 people responded. (Too bad I didn't get doppelbock recipes in this quantity!) One guy wanted to know if the bottles were shipped full! Ha! Anyway the poop is: Pete's WIcked Ware P.O. Box 1195 Maple Plain, MN 55592 Order toll free 1-800-382-7457 Hours: 7a.m. - 11p.m. (CST)Mon-Fri / 7a.m. - 4p.m.(CST)Sat-Sun The item is one dozen 22oz., pry-off bottles packaged in durable box. Item #PG22 $3.50 Shipping charges Merchandise Value: Charge: $0 - $10.00 $4.00 $10.01 - $25.00 $5.00 $25.01 - $40.00 $5.75 $40.01 - $60.00 $7.00 If you want to spend more than that, you're greedy and enjoy bottling too much! Enjoy! Mark_Worwetz at Novell.COM Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 01:03:07 +0930 (CST) From: zoz at teaching.cs.adelaide.edu.au (Shroud of Gloom) Subject: Re: Rauchbier |> i'm interested in making a rauchbier, smoking my own grains, and have a few |> questions: |> 1. what type of malt to use, pale malt? Yup. For my rauchbier I used 1 kilo (2 pounds or thereabouts) of pale malt. I put it in a sieve and ran water through them for half a minute or so to dampen them then put them on a screen inside the BBQ kettle. |> 2. what type of wood to smoke? anyone ever try mesquite? Indeedy! I used mesquite, and the beer has a very meaty type smoky flavour, kind of like eating a good mettwurst while drinking the beer. Yum! |> 3. must the grains remain cool while smoking, or is it ok to smoke in a gas |> grill where they will be exposed to the heat as well? Well I smoked mine in a Weber BBQ kettle, and I let the grains get a bit too hot so that some of them got a little roasted, but all this did was add a deeper colour and a little bit of roasted flavour to the beer, not too much though. I would probably recommend against letting them roast though. It can be solved by turning the grains, I was just too lazy to do it during the third 15 minutes they were smoking. Zoz Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 11:36:12 -0400 From: drew at clark.net (Drew Janssen) Subject: RE:Make a Wish Foundation (cross posted) Oh, BROTHER!! Here comes THIS thing again: - -----[ urban legend posting: ]-------- >This Department recently received a letter from the Massachusetts >Department of Health concerning Craig Shergold, a seven year old, who has >very little time to live. > >Craig turned in a wish to the Children's Make a Wish Foundation >expressing a desire to have an entry in the Guiness Book of World Records >for the most BUSINESS CARDS received by an individual. > >Please take a minute and help make a little boy's wish come true. Send >your business cards to: > > Craig Shergold > c/o Children's Make a Wish Foundation > 3200 Permiter Center East > Atlanta, GA 30346 USA > >And please cross post this message to other listservs. Thank you. - --------------------- No, please DON'T. The "poor kid" is doing great these days and does not need business cards (this is a new twist, it used to be post cards). This was fine about FIVE YEARS AGO, but it's getting Real Silly now. I would not post this to the whole group except I'm trying to prevent a lot of wasted time and postage. And dumb email. For more info, read the FAQ created by "alt.urban.legends" or some similar name. I think they store it at RTFM.MIT.EDU's ftp site. Did this get re-started innocently or maliciously? //Drew - -------------------------------- VP, Sales & Support Clark Internet Services, Inc. Serving MD, DC & No. Virginia info at clark.net - -------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 09:50:06 -0600 (MDT) From: kevin at wheels.aar.com Subject: Iodine test Ben Rettig asked: > Iodine Test: I have been an all grain brewwer for some time now (about 10 > batches). All grain is a time consuming process. I have always mashed my > grain for 75 minutes at the 154 degrees F level. Yeilds have always been > adaquate. I have seeen a few mashers comment "that conversion was complete > in 30 min. by the Iodine Test". Can someone help me out with the Iodine > test. Can anyone provide a full procedure for me to conduct my own Iodine > test. Are there any other tests for conversion? I use a small test tube, and put an eyedropper full of mash liquid in, and add 1 drop of tincture of iodine solution, as shake to mix. If the iodine turns the liquid a blackish color, there is starch left. If it just dilutes the iodine to a lighter brown color, no starch is left. Comment on the iodine test..... While the test proves the exsitence (or lack) of starch, it DOESN'T prove that the mash has yielded the most fermentable sugars that it could if mashed longer. The iodine test will NOT show a positive test for unferementable dextrins, that could yet be converted if mashed longer, or mashed at a bit lower temp. Remember that starch conversion is actually like a two step process: starch --> dextrins, then dextrins --> sugars, and the iodine test only tests for starch, and doesn't show whether the process has progressed as far as it could...... It is a good cheap test for starch however. Kevin - -- Kevin Hass WB0DPN ! ! PGP public key by request via email kevin at wheels.aar.com ! Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 11:06:37 -0500 (CDT) From: Wesley McDaniel <wesley.mcdaniel at utmb.edu> Subject: McEwan's Scotch Ale Hello all, Does anyone in this group have an extract recipe for a close approximation of McEwan's Scotch Ale. Private E-mail is fine. TIA, Wesley McDaniel - ------------------------------------------------------------- Wesley McDaniel email address - Wesley.McDaniel at utmb.edu University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 13:19:51 PDT From: Rob Emenecker <robe at cadmus.com> Subject: Aluminum Brewpots I have just about made up my mind to get an Aluminum stockpot. There have not been any overwhelming reasons why I should fork out an additional $100.00 for a stainless steel. However, using aluminum has brought up another important point... how do I put a valve in the bottom side of an aluminum brewpot (my understanding is that welding is out of the question with aluminum)? Can I simply drill a hole and use threaded nipple fittings with some form of gasket? If so what should I use for a gasket? TIA *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* "There are only two things in life that we can ever be certain of... ...taxes and beer!" Rob Emenecker (remenecker at cadmus.com) Cadmus Journal Services, Inc., Linthicum, Maryland 21090 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 13:36:35 EDT From: Mark Bailey <bailey at integ.com> Subject: Anyone used a Mr. Beer? I'm about to take the plunge and start brewing. :-) I'm looking at what sort of equipment to acquire. I wonder if anyone has used the "Mr. Beer" kit advertised in the Summer, 1995 Zymurgy. Lexan sounds like some sort of plastic. Does it pose the same risks of infection as other plastic fermenters? Also, the same Zymurgy has an advertisement for a Symbio "personal fermentor" on page 28. This seems to provide a similar capability, but is made of glass. Anyone have any experience with this one? Should I just relax and get a plastic bucket? Thanks. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 13:38:15 EDT From: Steve Robinson <Steve.Robinson at analog.com> Subject: good times The AI 'bot is really the Good Times virus in disguise. It feeds on Coriander, and if you let it anywhere near your beer it will ruin it. In live (ie human) organisms it causes complete humor impairment, followed by long HBD posts with little or no information content. Obviously I'm infected, or I wouldn't have written this. Send all replies to /dev/null, where they will be answered by private email so as to hide all our dirty little secrets from the lurkers :-). Steve Robinson Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 10:50:56 MDT From: jeff at neocad.com (Jeff Stampes) Subject: Weizen / #3068 A couple of weeks back, I posted a description of my first Decoction mash, an attempt for a SO-Satisfying Weizen. While the brewing itself seemed to go quite smoothly, I had two concerns at the time: three days after pitching my #3068, the damn thing took off like a volcano...a fermentation like none I have ever seen! This was only a concern to me because it developed a cheap Budmilloors stench after this, masking the wonderful banana-clove aroma that had started to develop. Anyway, I kegged and carbonated it this weekend, and it's heavenly! Apparently the stench which had me concerned was not from the been itself, but the 1" of kreusen that had stuck to the inside of all the glass. This beer is full-bodies, has a nice banana-clove aroma, and is one of the best-tasting beers I've made. So here are my lessons learned from this batch: 1) Decoction mashing is easy! Well, at least it's every bit as easy as step-infusion. 2) When using #3068, USE A BIG BLOWOFF TUBE! This stuff is out of hand. 3) Also re: #3068...careful with those fermentation temps...mine spent a few days in the 70F range, and I now understand what people mean when they say that this yeast can get overly-banana-y at warmer temps...it's fine for me & my tastes, but it's probably too strong for some. - -- Jeff Stampes -- NeoCAD, Inc. -- Boulder, CO -- jeff at neocad.com -- - -- Ultimate Frisbee...It's not just for dogs anymore. -- - -- Any fool can make bread out of grain...God intended it for beer! -- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 14:59:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Ben Ide <bide at acad.bryant.edu> Subject: Make a Wish -- ERROR!! Please disregard the posted message about the Make a Wish Foundation request. As one of the authors of this, I can attest that it is a dreadful error. I apologize for wasting your time. Please direct your flames to this address. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------- Ben Ide Asst. Librarian for Technical Services Hodgson Memorial Library Bryant College Smithfield, Rhode Island USA "Media guys and politicians: it's like a Woodstock for weasels" -- D. Letterman Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 12:05:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Jeremy Ballard Bergsman <jeremybb at leland.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Virus size Just a small correction to a previous post: viruses will not be removed by a .2 micron filter (or any filter you might reasonably use). Viruses are much smaller than this (with maybe a few exceptions) and this inability to be filtered was part of the initial characterization of viruses. Jeremy Bergsman jeremybb at leland.stanford.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 14:25:31 -0500 From: Russell Mast <rmast at fnbc.com> Subject: Glass Fast African First > From: Lee Bollard <bollard at spk.hp.com> > Second: Anyone know where I can order one of those GLASS blowoff tubes? I saw them at Chicago Indoor Garden Supply last week. I don't have their number, but they should be in any list of catalog order houses. > From: pgravel at mcs.com (Philip Gravel) > While not exactly a micro-brewery, Bell Brewing is located in Kalamazoo, MI > which is about 1/2 hr south of Grand Rapids. And I thought _I_ drive fast? Try more like 45 minutes to an hour, on a clear day. Also, this dude's moving to White Cloud, a fair bit to the north. Anyway, it's worth a day trip there now and then. > From: tegbrew at iaccess.za (tegbrew) > hello from africa. Cool! > From: "Charles Wilmer, Jr." <cwilmer at wave.sheridan.wy.us> > I am about to make my forst batch of home brew and I would like any > tips anyone might have for a successful first run. Keep it clean. Don't use corn sugar except to prime your bottles. Don't use anything else to prime your bottles. Don't worry, etc. -R Return to table of contents
Date: 08 May 1995 12:53:12 PDT From: "Wallinger, W. A." <WAWA at chevron.com> Subject: ads infinitum From: Wallinger, W. A. (Wade) To: OPEN ADDRESSING SERVI-OPENADDR Subject: ads infinitum Date: 1995-05-08 14:41 Priority: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E very now and then an ad turns up in the hbd. A nd they are usually very subtle, T o the point of being almost unnoticeable. A t least we need to be on the lookout for T hese very insideous hidden messages. J ust don't sit there, be O n guard, and send your E mail responses in whenever you S pot one of these culprits... Wade Wallinger, brewing contraband in Mississippi Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 16:35:20 -0500 (EST) From: You can feel good about Hood! <STU_GJCARRIE at VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU> Subject: Unmalted Red Winter Wheat OK...so I have a Wit recipe. I have enough ingredients for 7-10 batches of the stuff (I like Wit). I do not have unmalted red winter wheat. Being in an agricultural area, Harrisonburg, VA, I thought I would be able to find this stuff. But nope. Supposedly it only grows in Kansas or something. So, my question, in case you haven't guessed, is where can I get this stuff either locally or mail order? I really don't want all my special ordered malts to rot away...oh, yes, where can I get bitter orange peel? Thanks in advance for any info... Gregg Carrier stu_gjcarrie at vax1.acs.jmu.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 15:53:08 EDT From: Steve Robinson <Steve.Robinson at analog.com> Subject: Alzheimer's Oh no, the Alzheimer's thread is back. Shall we rehash all the old threads while we're at it? Do I hear FOOP, anyone? One more time: Alzheimer's disease is not caused by aluminum (aka aluminium), it is caused by CORIANDER. Steve Robinson steve.robinson at analog.com [this is not an advertisement.] Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 18:58:41 -0400 (EDT) From: "Timothy P. Laatsch <LAATSCH at kbs.msu.edu>" <LAATSCH at kbs.msu.edu> Subject: Pale Ale Recipe Hello fellow brewers, I just wanted to pass along some comments on the first of a series of pale ales that I'm brewing in an attempt to hone my mashing/brewing technique. This beer came out pretty good and I would only change a couple things. Here's the basic recipe and procedure: Grain: 9.0 lbs US 2-row 1.0 lbs 40L crystal 0.5 lbs cara-pils Hops: 1.0 oz BC Kent Goldings pellets---60 min 0.5 oz " 40 min 0.5 oz " 20 min 0.5 oz " 5 min 0.5 oz " steep for aroma 1.0 oz " dry-hop, 3 weeks in secondary Yeast: Wyeast 1028 London Ale 500-ml starter Mash: Single Infusion 3.5 gallons 65 min at 68 C (154 F) Mashout: Infused additional 1.5 qts. Held 10 min at 76 C (169 F) Sparge: Recirculated about 15 qts. Collected 6.5 gallons over 1 hour period OG: 1.057 FG: 1.012 IBU: 22.7 (Suds3.0) Ferment: 1 week primary, 3 week secondary, 20 C (68 F) Force-carbonated in keg Beautiful deep golden color, chill haze, medium bodied, mild hop bitterness, very hoppy aroma and flavor (citrusy!), mild malty finish. I presume the chill haze is to be expected with a single infusion of klages. A brief protein rest might "clear" this up, but I don't want to hurt the body. I would boost the bittering hops a little and slightly decrease the amount and duration of dry-hopping (maybe 0.5 oz for 1 weeks). I also plan to use gelatin for clarification in future batches. The big deficiency from my perspective is maltiness---maybe a half pound of aromatic would make things come alive a little. Any suggestions are welcome. Note: I have already brewed pale #2 and, of course, I changed too many damned variables at once to determine the predominant influences. Oh well, I have the rest of my life to work out the details. I made some of the changes noted above, substituting toasted malt for aromatic (use what you have), and threw in a half pound of malted wheat just for fun. Mash-in stabilized at 125 F and I immediately heated to rest at 140 F for 30 min, then on to 156 for 1 hour. Perhaps this brief stint in the protein-rest range will aid in clarification. I also made the classic mistake (read: adventure) of using a different yeast. I bought Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale for an oatmeal stout and then chickened out because I had no 6-row to aid sparging---couldn't let that precious yeast go to waste, so it ended up in pale ale #2. Any ideas what I will end up with here? Brewing in style is over-rated anyway. ;-) The Irish is presently CRANKING away at 64 F. Sorry for the bandwidth. This seems to be a pretty good recipe, but it won't win any awards (I drank it all!). Any criticism (be kind) or comments are welcome. Brew on! Bones *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* | Timothy Laatsch |email: laatsch at kbs.msu.edu | All-grain | | Graduate Student |phone: 616-671-2329 | & | | Michigan State University |fax: 616-671-2351 | Mostly | | Kalamazoo, MI (Bell's Country)| | Insane | | | | "...like cops who hide holsters beneath their lapels, she had dangerous | | things, but she downplayed them well...." ---Walt Mink | *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 15:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Karen.Coffel at ncal.kaiperm.org Subject: Male/Female ratio and other sordid (assorted) topics Greetings Gentlemen !!! At MY home, I am the Brewmistress and my husband is my assistant. We got into brewing in October and are on batch #10. I decided to make our own beer because I am amazed that grain + water + hops + yeast = beer!!! I like to cook and I've always loved Ovaltine (the DME for kids), so it was easy to get into brewing. I know that most of the men out there have a hard time getting their wife's into making beer -- for us, I enjoy deciding what to make next and my husband (and all of his friends) love to drink whatever I make. Besides, it's quality time together (a 90's kind of thing). Enough said.... On pH ------ Our water's pH has been raised lately -- something about copper leaching into the water -- so we are going to start using distilled water and building up the salts to the level of the style. The computer program I use will show me how much salt to add. I'm sure many of us will be noticing a rise in pH in our areas -- check with your local water company. On ads --I LIKE hearing about new products on the digest and appreciate info about it's good and bad points. When I buy a product (not just for beer), I seldom/never get to hear about the product, just what's on the package. So, if you don't like to read about it, just scroll on to the next message. FWIW, I am tired of reading about RIMS systems, and REALLY tired of the flames about ads on the digest -- if you boys can't behave...go to your rooms!!OH GOD, I'm beginning to sound like my mother..... Hoppy Brewing!!!!! Karen Coffel Brewmistress, Coffels' Concoctions Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 17:21:19 EDT From: klo at fluent.com (Kirk L. Oseid) Subject: Brewers Resource mills Brewers: Now that so many of you turned me on to the Brewers Resource catalog, I have a follow-on question. Has anyone ever seen or tried the new two-roller mill that they sell? It is apparently a new design with adjustable roller gap, lots of stainless, motorizable, etc. Kirk L. Oseid klo at fluent.com Fluent, Inc. tel 603/643-2600 10 Cavendish Court, Lebanon, NH 03766 fax 603/643-3967 p.s. to paraphrase Jack Palance, I think stainless is sexy, don't you? Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 08 May 95 21:32:26 EST From: jimmyo at bigeasy.com Subject: Need Large Tanks I have a homebrewer friend who is going commercial, and is searching for 4 to 8 each 1000-2000 gallon glycol-jacketed dairy tanks, w/inward opening manways. Please contact me at E-Mail address, or Fidonet 1:396/1.5 or call Doug Lindley at 504-277-2770. Thanks (jimmyo at bigeasy.com) Jim Overstreet 1:396/1.5 Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 22:51:33 -0400 From: jhewit at freenet.vcu.edu (Jeff Hewit) Subject: Brewing - A Guy Thing I would agree that homebrewing is, for the most part, a "guy thing." My wife also likes to drink beer, but she doesn't care for the brewing part. She dislikes the smell of boiling wort so much, I make a point to schedule my brewing when she's not home. She also questions my "need" for so much paraphanalia (three carboys, bench capper, etc., etc. etc.) that, to any reasonable person, is absolutley necessary for the fine art of making good beer. Anyway, I am grateful that I get to do it. I have a friend who has brewed one batch, and I'm not sure if he'll brew another because his wife didn't like the smell. Too bad. - -- Jeff Hewit ****************************************************************************** Eat a live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 20:48:56 -0700 From: kwhitney at ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Whitney) Subject: What to do with a SS keg? I recently acquired a non-Sankey stainless steel keg (15 gal.). I don't know the keg type, but it has a bung hole(without bung), and a two-holed metal cap with rubber seal that locks into two pins at the top of the keg. There is a dip tube within the keg. Is there anything an aspiring all-grainer can make (or have made) from this keg? TIA. Ken Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 23:22:41 -0600 (MDT) From: Kirk Fleming / Metro Technologies <flemingk at usa.net> Subject: Long Dial Thermometers Lee Bollard asked about source for a long-probe dial thermometer for his mash: in Omega's Temperature Handbook (800-872-9436) they show bi-metal dial units, all 304 ss cases, Model G on p E-29 for about $35, available with stem lengths up to 36". - ------------------------------------------------------ Kirk R Fleming / Colorado Springs / flemingk at usa.net - ------------------------------------------------------ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 09 May 1995 16:13:30 -1000 From: P.Hannah at cqu.edu.au (Paul Hannah) Subject: Bottling beer? I am about ready to bottle my **second** brew and the method I used last time was to add sugar to the bottles individually then fill. This time, I have been doing some reading (mainly here and ?complete joy of home brewing? by Papazian?) and in the book recommends using dried malt extract and the bottling method that is suggested is to add 1 cup of boiled dried malt extract to a second fermenter, transferring the wort then bottling. Finally, my question is how to be sure that the extract is evenly distributed, and is it possible to do this within the original carboy (I was hoping to put off the purchase of the next till later on.) Thanks. - --------- Paul Hannah E-mail: P.Hannah at cqu.edu.au Mathematics Department Phone : 61 79 30 9969 Central Queenland University Fax : 61 79 30 9729 Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1726, 05/09/95