HOMEBREW Digest #258 Tue 19 September 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  RE: Homebrew Digest #255 (September 16, 1989) (")
  Lager Ferment Temp (willa)
  Yeast redux (Doug Roberts  at  Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 10:07 CDT From: "What do you mean, what flavor is it? It's a bloody albatross!" Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest #255 (September 16, 1989) Not to underrate the effort involved, but I find wading through the indexes (while reading the digest) rather annoying, since I find that the subject headers are not all that informative. I think a seperate mailing list to interested parties would be _much_ better. - Ted --- "It is more difficult to kill a fly with a sledgehammer than to do it with a rolled knighthood scroll." -- ]ke Eldberg Patrick T. Garvin ptgarvin at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu / ptgarvin at uokmax.UUCP in the Society: Padraig Cosfhota o Ulad / Barony of Namron, Ansteorra Disclaimer: Fragile. Contents inflammable. Do not use near open flame. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 09:29:54 PDT From: willa at hpvclwa Subject: Lager Ferment Temp >I made a batch of Steam Beer that called for a lager yeast (I used WYeast 2007) >fermented at 50 - 55 degrees. I did this and it fermented well for 2 weeks >and then stopped. I aged it for the recommended 2 weeks and removed it from >the fridge for bottling. As it warmed to room temperature, it began to ferment >again. I returned it to the fridge and it stopped. Now, I don't think it is >infected, but why would a lager yeast prefer this warmer temperature. Should >I bottle it and keep the bottles refrigerated. I haven't taken a sample yet. >Any ideas are welcome. > >Mark Nevar Mark: I recently made a steam bear with a WYeast lager yeast (I don't remember the number, but could look it up). I too fermented at 50-55 degrees. All visible activity seemed to have stopped within about 10 days. I let it sit two weeks, racked to a secondary, dry hopped, and let it sit another 5 weeks at the same temp. My brew was just extract, hops, water and yeast. It came out very "dry" (seems to have replaced "lite" in beer-marketing-speak). I expect your fermentation was complete on schedule. See the other articles on CO2 capacity of liquids vs. temperature. . . .Will Allen willa at hpvcfs1.hp.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 17:24:51 MDT From: roberts%studguppy at LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory) Subject: Yeast redux Now this is a little odd: I brewed a batch on August 31 (the Clara Bell Bock beer). I pitched 14 grams of Munton & Fisson and saw a very vigorous and healthy fermentation in the primary. Three days later the head had dropped and I racked to the secondary, whereupon the fermentation nearly died. It puttered along at a _very_ slow rate until a day ago, when it started to pick up. Now, there is fairly active fermentation going on, enough to cause a new light head of very fine bubbles at the top of the secondary. Any ideas as to what has caused this? --Doug ================================================================ Douglas Roberts | Los Alamos National Laboratory |When choosing between two evils, Box 1663, MS F-602 |I always like to try the one Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 |I've never tried before. (505)667-4569 | dzzr at lanl.gov | ================================================================ Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #258, 09/19/89 ************************************* -------
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