HOMEBREW Digest #4040 Fri 13 September 2002

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  RE: FermCap ("Rob Moline")
  The Stanford brewer's archive ("Stephen E. Hansen")
  Moosehead and Moosep**s (Alan McKay)
  Re: advice on high-temp flexible tubing ("Fred L. Johnson")
  Jake's Pondering Peristalsis ("Kevin Boyer")
  Jake's Pondering Peristalsis II ("Kevin Boyer")
  Ontario brewpubs/micros (Althelion)
  Steve is WRONG!!  Almost.  Well- not really at all. (EFOUCH)
  FW: Water Cooler Mash Tun ("Peter Beauregard")
  Re: advice on high-temp flexible tubing (Kent Fletcher)
  Re: Straffe Hendrik and Candi sugar (danielfox)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:21:54 -0500 From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at mchsi.com> Subject: RE: FermCap Fred, Call me Gump...or Rob...or Mr. Puke'n Barf.....Your formality is exactly how I expect my children to address their elders....But, as we are both HBD'rs...and I am still a pup learning...let's push it.....I'll call you Fred.... FermCap is God's Gift to brewers.....if only this one.......I love it.....YMMV.. I have a 7 bbl steam fired kettle...calandria in the bottom ..and on the side...practice was...once boil was achieved, throttle back the side calandria....and let the boil be gentle... I use FermCap...and let the boil ROCK! Hell, even the crappy Specific HE on top of the kettle seems to operate at optimum when all valves are open.....FermCap keeps it from over-boiling....yet I get better evaporation numbers..... They say that the use of FermCap in the boil may reduce hop utilization.....And I agree! It MAY.......But I can't taste the difference......and short of a test by Siebel, I doubt you can either..... I use FC in my fermenters.....largely, as a result of not wanting to lose gallons of krausen foam to the floor.....big beers make big foam! (and not wanting to clean the mess up!) This was my initial intro to FC....learning that I didn't have to clean up 40 gallons of krausen....... The essential element in this is that the FC remains behind....stuck to the boil line in the kettle........and stuck to the mercifully thin krausen line in the fermenter...(1 inch versus up to 3+ feet......where do you think your head retention proteins are landing?) In my case, I think they are landing in the pint glass..... But, I have also used FC to control foam in a starter situation...as you described...and really rely on it to control krausen foam, rather than aeration foam...for I can't be there every hour, and don't allow continuous O2......nor do I expect that any degree of continuous oxygenation to be both useful and practical.......I let it bleed till I "Scientifically Quantify" what is useful...by watching..... You state.."on the last few batches".....does this mean things have changed recently...with standard procedures used? And by this that all was well on prior batches? More info is needed, but for my money, FC isn't the etiology of deficient head...... Gump "Mr. Puke'n Barf" 515-282-2739 CABCO 515-450-0243 cell > -----Original Message----- > From: Fred L. Johnson [mailto:fljohnson at portbridge.com] > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:33 AM > To: jethrogump at mchsi.com > Subject: FermCap > Dear Mr. Moline: > I have frequently read your advocacy of FermCap to keep fermentations > under control. Recently, I have been using FermCap in starters that > I am preparing by constant infusion and aeration of dilute wort. > I've using about two drops per liter wort to keep the foam manageable > in these aerated starters. The wort with the FermCap added is > prepared by boiling in 1 liter reagent bottles containing prior to > storage in the refrigerator. When it's time to culture the starter, > I simply remove the wort from the fridge and start pumping it into my > culture with aeration. Even then, I have carefully control the > aeration rate to keep the foam down. > > On the last few batches (a porter, a hefeweizen, and an English pale > ale), the head retention has been poor to nil on the final beer. > (Have you ever had a hefeweizen with NO HEAD! ARGH!!!) I strongly > suspect FermCap is my problem. Any comments/suggestions? I can't > understand how an agent intended to reduce head formation can be > anything but detrimental to the head retention in the final product. > > If you wish to post a response (and my email) to HBD, please feel free. > Fred L. Johnson - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.386 / Virus Database: 218 - Release Date: 9/9/2002 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:36:44 -0700 From: "Stephen E. Hansen" <hansen at Stanford.EDU> Subject: The Stanford brewer's archive Dear Homebrewers, It has been a while. I checked recently and the Stanford Homebrew archives have been in operation for just over a decade now. I took over the HBD archives from Andrew Mossberg back in May of 92. In January '93 John Dilley asked me to add the Mead Lover's Digest and Dick Dunn contacted me about archiving the Cider Digest in January of 95. Ten years ago, when I took over the HBD archives, there were no other copies of the archives and they were in danger of being lost for good. These days, the Stanford archives are no longer the only source for these digests. Some of the other archives allow searching functions, web access, threaded views, etc., but our old fashioned ftp archives are still immensely popular as our usage statistics show. Unfortunately, I recently left Stanford and Hops, the system that does the archiving, is being turned to other uses. Once that happens the archiving of new issues will cease. Access to the existing files will probably continue for a while longer, until somebody notices that their sponsor is gone. Given that alternatives exist, it's not as big a deal as when I took over the HBD archives from Andrew, but I thought I would let you know that this is coming. It's been fun. Sincerely, Stephen Hansen Homebrewer, Archivist - -- #+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+# Stephen Hansen, homebrewer | The church is near, but the road is icy. Stanford University | The bar is far away, but I will walk carefully. hansen at Hops.Stanford.EDU | -- Russian Proverb http://www.stanford.edu/~hansen #+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+#+--+# Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 07:10:37 -0400 From: Alan McKay <amckay at neap.net> Subject: Moosehead and Moosep**s Joel, This is extremely old news - Moosehead have been doing that for at least 3 or 4 years now that I recall. But alas I doubt they will have much success in light of the recent ruling against Molson w.r.t. their "Export" name. Olands (Labatt/Interbrew) want to introduce Oland Export into Ontario, and Molson tried to sue them claiming the name "Export" was theirs. They lost that case about 2 months ago, after a 7 year battle. Thank goodness there is at least a bit of common sense ... cheers, -Alan - -- http://www.bodensatz.com/ The Beer Site (tm) Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 07:16:00 -0400 From: "Fred L. Johnson" <fljohnson at portbridge.com> Subject: Re: advice on high-temp flexible tubing Jake asks about tubing that will withstand high temperatures and are suitable for peristaltic pumps. Cole Parmer carries a good selection of peristaltic pump tubing. The following are available in many sizes, are rated for higher temperatures, and are recommended for Cole Parmer's Masterflex pump line. PharMed - up to 135 C Norprene - up to 135 C Norprene food - up to 135 C Viton - up to 205 C FDA Viton - up to 205 C - -- Fred L. Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 06:41:49 -0500 From: "Kevin Boyer" <kboyer at houston.rr.com> Subject: Jake's Pondering Peristalsis Jake - Santoprene is likely the best tubing to use in a peristaltic pump. It has a wide temperature tolerance and chemical resistance tolerance. It also has enough strength to last, but enough flexibility to give in the pump head. Norprene and Viton are also commonly used. Building your own peristaltic pump, while I'm sure it can be done, will require a great deal of precision. The rollers must be aligned perfectly with the tube housing or you'll wind up with a very short tube life. You may want to consider looking in the water treatment or commercial swimming pool industry for a castoff to rebuild. You may want to try and buy a used commercially available pump head/roller assembly and then attach your own motor. These types of pumps are frequently used to pump bleach and acid. Many commercial swimming pool dealers will have several lying around that you might be able to get cheap (or trade for some beer). The units used in the pool industry tend to be a bit less expensive and more heavy duty than those used in the medical field. The most common manufacturer's are Stenner, Blue-White, Pulsafeeder, and Rola-Chem. I've linked the websites below. www.stenner.com http://www.blue-white.com/Products/pumps.htm http://www.pulsatron.com/pulsa/files/PRICING/Cmprc.pdf http://www.rola-chem.com/peristaltic.html Good Luck, Kevin Boyer Houston, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 06:46:33 -0500 From: "Kevin Boyer" <kboyer at houston.rr.com> Subject: Jake's Pondering Peristalsis II Jake - You'll also find several peristaltic pump heads for sale on Ebay right now for $5-$10. Very cheap. They look to be the Masterflex lab style. Good Luck, Kevin Boyer Houston, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:01:00 EDT From: Althelion at aol.com Subject: Ontario brewpubs/micros Gary: If you're talking about Ontario, Canada, let me direct you to the website www.bartowel.com which will give you all sorts of information about beer in Ontario with a focus on Toronto. My wife and I do an annual summer weekend to Toronto and always check out several good pubs. We always hit C'est What on Front St. Al's cask conditioned ale is superb. Wander down to The Esplanade from there and you'll find 8 good places to check on the local (Canadian) and imported brew. Not a lot of brewpubs in Toronto but, from my experience, it's a great beer town. Al Pearlstein Commerce Township, Michigan Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 11:10:00 -0400 From: EFOUCH at steelcase.com Subject: Steve is WRONG!! Almost. Well- not really at all. Regarding diacetyl formation in lagers, a few years back I was really drunk at Founders Brewery, and the brewmaster pulled out his brewing book. I think it was in fact, Kunze. He showed us a fermenting profile that is used by to produce...Lienenkugel? Anyway, they were able to ferment to completion in 14 days with no diacetyl. The idea is to not create the diacetyl in the first place. It goes like this (as Steve partially alluded to in his post): Pitch your yeast at fermentation temperatures. Increase the temperature of fermentation 1 degree a day until you get to 56 degrees. At that point, fermentation should be complete. You can do a diacetyl test by taking 2-3 oz of beer from the fermenter, seal it as in a baby food jar and heat it up to 140F for an hour. Take of the lid, and smell it. No diacetyl, no problem, no lagering. I've used this method several times before (before I tasted The Kapn's Dunkel) and it has worked very well. I grow up my yeast starter at room temp, crash cool it to pitching temps, decant the spent wort, and add a quart of new wort at pitching temps 24 hours before brewing, and pitch the yeast when the wort is at pitching temps. airrick147 at registerednurses.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:24:46 -0400 From: "Peter Beauregard" <peterb at autoprof.com> Subject: FW: Water Cooler Mash Tun I'm thinking of getting one of those big plastic drinking water coolers (frequently seen being dumped on the coach after a big win) and converting it into a mash tun, however I have a few concerns. I've read on the HBD that some people have experienced a plastic taste in their beers after mashing in one of these. But I've also read that some people have been brewing in these for years without any off flavors. Anyone have any experience with these coolers? I have a good idea as to how I'm going to convert one into mash tun, but I'd appreciate any advice as well! Thanks! Peter Beauregard Portsmouth, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 17:01:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at yahoo.com> Subject: Re: advice on high-temp flexible tubing Jake Isaacs wants to make a pump: >I posted this in the forums, but didn't get a huge >response. I'd like to try my hand at making a >peristaltic pump and was wondering if anyone >had advice on tubing that is safe at high temps >(maybe up to boiling to be on the safe side), >but is also "squishable" enough to function well >in the pump. Jake, I like to tinker as much as, no MORE than the next guy, but this might be a little too far. I don't know of any tubing "squishable" enough to use in a pristaltic pump which is rated to boiling temps. More to the point, this is an extremely slow pumping method. Designed for metering chemicals, so-called high flow peristaltic deliver a pitiful 2.5 gph. Trying to drive one faster with a drill motor would most likely lead to premature failure, with a batch lost and a big mess on your hands. I've been using a Teel pump (Grainger #1P808) for a year and a half now. It's only 1/50th HP, but delivers 5 gpm at 5 ft head, not that I usually pump at that flow rate. I use it to recirc through a HERMS coil and also pump straight from kettle (at 200 or so degrees) through CFC into the fermenter. When I originally bought it I wanted a magnetic drive, but they didn't have one in stock, so for $50 I gave this one a try, and I haven't felt the need to replace it yet. Just food for thought, you might want to give it a try. Kent Fletcher Brewing in So Cal Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 19:55:57 -0700 (PDT) From: danielfox at beer.com Subject: Re: Straffe Hendrik and Candi sugar I went on a brewery tour of De Halve Maan, the brewery that produces Straffe Hendrik, back in May of this year. I remember the guide stating that they use corn to lighten the body of the beer, so I don't believe that they use sugar. If they do, they didn't mention it. Hope this helps, Dan Fox Hi all, Have someone ever tried cloning the Belgium beer named Straffe Hendrik ? I am looking for a full grain recipe. Can someone help ? Would appreciate fermenting temperature and mashing schedule info as well. What should I use for a replacement of the candi sugar that they use in Belgium Beer ? Best regards Braam Greyling Return to table of contents
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