HOMEBREW Digest #4275 Thu 19 June 2003

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  Firewater (TOLLEY Matthew)
  Genes - Nature v Nurture (SpamZapper)
  yarrow beer (Randy Ricchi)
  Re: Smoking (Todd Goodman)
  CAP (Randy Ricchi)
  re:  freezer paint chipping ("Jim Yeagley")
  Alexandre's software / CABA's future ("Drew Avis")
  Brew Software ("Gregory D. Morris")
  Veggie/Green flavor (Bev Blackwood II)
  Traditional American Beer Styles (was badger beer, was something else before that) (Michael Hartsock)
  Pub in Fort Myers ("Reddy, Pat")
  Dry yeast preparation, alcohol/tobacco ("Edward D")
  strange beer laws in Ames Iowa (ensmingr)
  Captain Cook's Beer (ensmingr)
  A few questions ("Troy A. Wilson")
  re: non-taxable mailing ("Chad Stevens")
  Re: Alcoholics (NO Spam)
  Beer flavoured ice cream (David Edge)
  The best small serving frig ("Victor Franklin")
  Re: Hopping and Specific Gravity (David Edge)
  Good Eats beer episode on tonight (Amber Waves) (Robert Marshall)
  Attn.  HERMS brewers.  More pump stuff ("Parker Dutro")
  Thanks. . . ("Chris Eidson")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:22:11 +1000 From: TOLLEY Matthew <matthew.tolley at atsic.gov.au> Subject: Firewater >On the flip side, many native Americans lack the physiological >ability to process alcohol, thus leading to increased alcoholism. >This has been well documented in literature. The literature I've read indicates that there is no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim (which, incidentally, is also made about Australia's indigenous peoples). For example: 'Alcohol Consumption Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities: Theory and Research' Raul Caetano, M.D., Ph.D.; Catherine L. Clark, Ph.D.; and Tammy Tam, Ph.D. "However, as with single-variable explanations of alcohol consumption patterns among other ethnic groups, the Firewater Myth is insufficient to describe and explain drinking among Native Americans for two main reasons. First, no evidence exists to demonstrate increased physiological or psychological reactivity to alcohol among Native Americans compared with other ethnic current patterns of alcohol consumption among the various tribes or to test theories that have been advanced to explain Native American drinking patterns." If you know of any research that has found evidence to support the firewater theory, I'd be genuinely interested in reading it. Note that I don't dispute that genetic factors play a role in alcoholism; rather, I'm just saying that, to my knowledge, nobody has demonstrated the existence of a genetic factor (or factors) that predispose North American's indigenous peoples to an inability to metabolise alcohol or to alcoholism. Cheers! ...Matt... Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 01:29:41 -0600 From: SpamZapper <spamzapper at comcast.net> Subject: Genes - Nature v Nurture To Mr NoSpam who denounces the role of genetics (see snippet below) I do believe that -S et al have science and research on their side when they talk about genetic disposition. If you want a read that will rationally challenge your position have a go with Steve Pinker's "The Blank Slate". Steve Pinker is professor of brain and cognitive science at MIT, and a one time Pulitzer prize nonimee -so the book is not a bunch of New Age Cr*p. You can read a review of the book in the summer issue of Free Inquiry (Vol 23, No 3). - ---------------- Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:12:11 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Re: Alcoholism Spencer, I've NEVER bought that "Genetic Predisposition" stuff. I refuse to believe that alcoholism is in anyone's genes, or that it is a medical condition. That sounds like the typical American "I'm a victim" cry. [snip] - -------------- Reality is that which still exists even after you stop believing in it. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:35:26 -0400 From: Randy Ricchi <rricchi at houghton.k12.mi.us> Subject: yarrow beer There was an article in Zymurgy a couple of years ago about brewing with yarrow and the author listed the amount of yarrow he used, but he also used hops for bittering. I'm thinking of brewing a yarrow beer this summer, but would like to make an all-yarrow beer, no hops. Does anyone have any idea how much yarrow to use for bittering, say, for bitterness equivalent to 25 IBU's or so? Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:37:12 -0400 From: Todd Goodman <tsg at bonedaddy.net> Subject: Re: Smoking * In HBD #4274, Teresa writes: > Tobacco is a much easier target, because how many ciggies the > chainsmoker on the barstool next to me puffs down whilst I'm sitting > there DOES affect me. After a 'night on the town' huffing everyone > else's cigarette smoke, I wake up with sore lungs... believe it or > not. (Same effect if I'm sitting by a campfire all night. Hurts to > breathe in the morning.) > > I quit smoking a while ago, because I wanted to protect my health > (and save my money for more worthwhile things). When I am out in > public, why should my decision to improve my health suddenly be > rescinded, because other people are still gunning for an eventual > lung transplant? If you had quit drinking, or said you were staying > sober to drive your friends home, no sane person would argue that I > should have the right to funnel beer down your throat... > > "But he walked into a bar, he should have EXPECTED to drink! If he > didn't want to drink, he shouldn't have been in the bar in the first > place!" (Substitute "drink" for "breathe smoke" in case you don't see > where I'm going with that.) > > In short, IMO, there is MUCH more right and reason for the > regulation/banning of public smoking than there is for > regulation/banning of alcohol, on the simple basis that consuming > alcohol is an individual act, while smokers are sharing the vice with > everyone around them, whether those people really want to huff > burning tobacco or not. And John writes: > BTW: You "freedom and personal responsibility lovers" should know that the > co-worker who judged my brew was driven from her choosen profession because > addicts use political power to keep smoking in bars legal and she, who never > smoked came down with smoke induced asthma and was forced to quit her job as > a bar tender. I never could understand why some one would assert they had > the freedom to hurt others. Leaving aside the fact that many of these second-hand smoke studies are fatally flawed you both are confusing public areas (a courthouse for example) and private areas where members of the public assemble (a bar or restaurant.) If I own a bar and I want to allow smoking then the simple answer to someone who doesn't like smoke or is seriously adversely affected to it or views smoking as a moral outrage is to not patronize my bar. Go to the bar down the street where they don't allow smoking. If it's a big enough issue with people then there will be plenty of other establishments to patronize. If not, then you can drink at home in any kind of environment you desire or start your own bar where you don't allow smoking. As for the bartender who came down with smoke induced asthma. That's unfortunate, but bartending is a poor choice of career for her. Hell, I'm seriously allergic to bee stings and hay, would it make a lot of sense for me to choose to be a beekeeper or farmer? Use your freedom and personal responsibility to decide for yourself what is dangerous to you and use risk assessment to determine whether it's worth the risk or not. Neither the bartender nor Teresa were chained to the bar as far as I know. Don't cede your freedom or personal responsibility to the government or you'll end up without either and as people who manufacture and possibly drink that demon alcohol you really are next in line in the crosshairs. And yeah, John, I'm a "freedom and personal responsibility lover." I guess the quotes were supposed to make it a perjorative, but I'll gladly step up and wear that mantle. Todd Goodman [630.3, 84] Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:42:47 -0400 From: Randy Ricchi <rricchi at houghton.k12.mi.us> Subject: CAP A month or so ago, someone was asking about harshness in his Classic American Pils, and was wondering what caused it. Lately I've been enjoying my latest version of CAP, which is the first CAP I've brewed using Cluster hops for bittering (60 minutes) ala Jeff Renner. I also FWH'd with H. Mittelfruh, and used H.Mittelfruh for a late addition as well. I'm amazed at how the Cluster character comes through and overpowers any contribution from the Hallertau. It is definitely a more aggressive character than any noble hop would provide, though I wouldn't call it harsh. More bitter, but not really harsh. In the past I've used noble hops throughout, and sometimes noble hops with Hallertau Northern Brewer for bittering; either version having a much milder, rounder bitterness and flavor than this Cluster version. Just my observation. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:57:53 -0400 From: "Jim Yeagley" <jyeag at core.com> Subject: re: freezer paint chipping Brian, I'd give Por-15(http://www.por15.com/) a try. You can paint it on over the rust, and I hear it works good. They might even have a white tinted version available. I've heard good things about this stuff, and plan on using it all over my Grandville during it's restification. Now that you mention the freezer rust, I might just have to give it a shot there, too. Jim Yeagley "...flunkie mechanic in some post office somewhere..." Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:09:50 -0400 From: "Drew Avis" <andrew_avis at hotmail.com> Subject: Alexandre's software / CABA's future Alexandre Enkerli posts some thoughts on the "perfect" brewing program, one which would select a recipe based on a set of criteria. It seems to me that what you're proposing is more of a search engine than brewing software proper, Alexandre. It would be interesting to write a third-party search engine for existing recipe databases that would retrieve any recipe that meets criteria supported by most recipe formats. Other queries (such as "clone") aren't currently supported by any recipe file formats I'm aware of, though you could compile a "meta database" with this additional information. Very interesting thoughts. Let me know when you're finished writing it! - ---- On another subject, the future of the Canadian Amateur Brewers' Association has been the topic of debate at our local club since the recent CABA newsletter came out. I really haven't seen much discussion on the CABA forum, and it sounds like the western clubs are not impressed, though their participation in CABA has traditionally been limited. Any thoughts out there on how to re-invent this organization? Is it worth keeping? What are other Canadian clubs thinking? BTW a copy of the newsletter article is posted at http://www.homebrewers.ca/cabafuture.php . Cheers! Drew Avis ~ Ottawa, Ontario http://www.strangebrew.ca Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:32:51 -0400 (EDT) From: "Gregory D. Morris" <gmorris at literati.com> Subject: Brew Software Well, as far as the software issue goes, I haven't found any free software for Mac OS X that really does what I want. As a software developer, having absolutely no time between work and brewing, have decided to go ahead and write a web-based brewing tool. Since I use a Mac at home, and my brew buddies use Windows, I need something cross-platform, so we can all update our brew data. Currently the most important part of my plan is to create a database for handling recipes. Conversion forms and such will probably be added as well, since I always need them. I would be more than happy to take suggestions from HBD. If there are specific features it should have let me know. To reply to every other major thread at once: ~2 drinks a day, ship bottles if you want to, cascade is good, my local brew store is great, the alcohol content of my homebrew is always between 4 and 8 depending on what I am brewing. Gregory Morris Web Developer Literati (304) 296-8026 ext.139 gmorris at literati.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:40:32 -0500 From: Bev Blackwood II <bdb2 at bdb2.com> Subject: Veggie/Green flavor > Larry Bristol asks .... > >> Viola! Do you (or anyone else for that matter) have a suggestion as >> to >> how one might go about removing that "green bean flavor"? > > Uhhh - leave the peppers out of the beer. ;^) Sniping aside... :-) I oven roast the jalapeno peppers before adding them to the wort. That seems to take an edge off the "green" flavor and lend a subtle smokiness. I would be willing to bet that actually roasting them (or smoking them) over a fire would be even more assertive. -BDB2 Bev D. Blackwood II http://www.bdb2.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 06:46:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Hartsock <xd_haze at yahoo.com> Subject: Traditional American Beer Styles (was badger beer, was something else before that) I have two questions: 1) regardless of style recognition, I am very interested in traditional american beer. What is badger beer, Kentucky common, spruce beer, etc... Does anyone know of any good resources, recipes, or other info concerning this? 2) Speaking of unrecognized traditional beer styles, does anyone have a copy of the all grain, Irish Red Ale recipe and info that was in BYO in early spring? I can't find it anywhere, and I want to make it! Mike Columbia, MO ===== "May those who love us, love us. And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts. And if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles So we'll know them by their limping." Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:49:33 -0500 From: "Reddy, Pat" <Pat.Reddy at mavtech.cc> Subject: Pub in Fort Myers Going on vacation to Fort Myers in Florida next week. Anyone tell me where the quality suds can be found? Pat Reddy MAVERICK Technologies (618)281-9100 x134 pat.reddy at mavtech.cc Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 21:54:23 +0800 From: "Edward D" <edwardd at dodo.com.au> Subject: Dry yeast preparation, alcohol/tobacco First the brewing issue. I just decided to brew tomorrow. Living in Australia I would not want to use liquid yeast without a stater (transport issues affecting quality and freshness concerns on top of the fact it is never the best practice to do so) so I will be using an appropriate dry yeast. Not having done so in a long time and not having used best practice then what is the best practice for preparing dry yeast and how much should I use. Hope I didn't open to big a bag of worms I need an answer ASAP. Pleas respond to my home address. Now the political type stuff that I feal the need to say. A.J. deLange writes on the subject of genetic predisposition to alcoholism "How else could you explain the fact that certain races (the aboriginals of Australia, for example) universally suffer from it?" As an Australian I know a significant number of aboriginals. There are indeed a disproportionately large number of aboriginal alcoholics but even when you assume that "universally" is an exaduration (sp??) it is a great over statement. Also it is a bad example as unfortunately there are cultural problems stemming from early white colonisation and policies that although changed cowardly governments refuse address the long term affects or admit that they should is also a major contributing factor. On the subject of alcohol vs smoking I agree that smoking is far less acceptable to the general population. I know several people that refuse to be near someone that is smoking but nobody that will refuse to be near anybody that is having an alcoholic beverage (well unless they are stark raving drunk but then the one they are working on isn't the problem). Edward Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:54:26 -0400 From: ensmingr at twcny.rr.com Subject: strange beer laws in Ames Iowa [In Ames IA, a husband may not take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife.] See: <http://www.hbd.org/hbd/archive/4272.html#4272-3>. My source: "The Odd Index" (1994) by Steven Spignesi, Penguin Books. OK, not the most authoritative of sources, but the point is that there are many stupid laws WRT beer, including laws that prohibit intra/interstate shipping of homebrew. Cheerio! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:07:25 -0400 From: ensmingr at twcny.rr.com Subject: Captain Cook's Beer The recent publication below may interest some HBDr's. Cheerio! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY - ---------- Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2003 Jun;12(2):129-37. Captain Cook's beer: the antiscorbutic use of malt and beer in late 18th century sea voyages. Stubbs BJ. (Southern Cross University, School of Environmental Science and Management, Lismore, P.O. Box 157, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, 2480) The custom of allowing British seamen the regular use of fermented liquor is an old one. Ale was a standard article of the sea ration as early as the fourteenth century. By the late eighteenth century, beer was considered to be at once a food (a staple beverage and essential part of the sea diet), a luxury (helping to ameliorate the hardship and irregularity of sea life) and a medicine (conducive to health at sea). In particular, beer and its precursors, wort and malt, were administered with the aim of preventing and curing scurvy. This paper examines the use of malt and beer during late eighteenth century British sea voyages, particularly their use as antiscorbutic agents, focusing on James Cook's three voyages during the period 1768-1780. Cook administered sweet wort (an infusion of malt), beer (prepared from an experimental, concentrated malt extract), and spruce beer (prepared mainly from molasses), among many other items, in his attempts to prevent and to cure scurvy. Despite the inconclusive nature of his own experiments, he reported favourably after his second voyage (1772-1775) on the use of wort as an antiscorbutic sea medicine (for which purpose it is now known to be useless). Cook thereby lent credibility to erroneous medical theories about scurvy, helping to perpetuate the use of ineffective treatments and to delay the discovery of a cure for the disorder. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:34:18 -0500 From: "Troy A. Wilson" <troy at troyandjulia.com> Subject: A few questions 1) Does anybody know where I can get convoluted copper tubing? I have found several manufacturers, but none that will sell it to me in quantities less than 1000 feet. For those who are wondering why, convoluted copper tubing has a higher heat transfer rate than smooth copper tubing due to the turbulence inside the tubing and the increased surface area outside. Great for Wort Chillers or for maintaining mash temp. 2) What is the best why to make a yeast starter for Lager yeast? 3) What is the best way to control the flow speed when using a pump? Restrict the flow with a valve or could I use something like a dimmer switch to control the voltage? Thanks in advance! Troy A. Wilson troy at troyandjulia.com There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't. - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.489 / Virus Database: 288 - Release Date: 6/10/2003 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:19:27 -0700 From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at cox.net> Subject: re: non-taxable mailing Jason Henning wrote: "The typical argument is that these laws were written with respect to commercial producers and that homebrew isn't affected. The only problem with this logic is it isn't supported in any way. These passages of law don't have phrases like "non-taxable beer" or "home brewed beverages are exempt". If there was intent to allow homebrew to be shipped, wouldn't there be some trace of this kind of language?" Thank you for your excellent post on states law. It is because of the myriad states laws that I'm going after the feds; hopefully the states will follow suit in time. With regard to "nothing being said anywhere about non-taxable beer" you are incorrect. This is an excerpt from what is going to be my official request for congressional investigation: ------------------------------------------------ <Request for congressional investigation...intro> Background: Homebrewing wine was legalized shortly after the repeal of prohibition in 1933. Because of a minor oversight, it wasn't until Congressman Alan Cranston authored HR1377 in 1978 that homebrewing of beer was made legal. The statute reads in part: 26 USC 5053(e) Beer for personal or family use. Subject to regulation prescribed by the secretary, any adult may, without payment of tax, produce beer for personal or family use and not for sale.. This statute ensures a liberty enjoyed by an estimated 1.5 million Americans annually.... At issue is the mailability of homebrewed beer and wine: "18 USC 1716(f) All spirituous, vinous, malted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquors of any kind are nonmailable and shall not be deposited in or carried through the mails." Postal Service Publication 52 provides two caveats however: "422.21 Products not categorized as intoxicating liquors: A product containing an intoxicating liquor is mailable if it conforms to the applicable requirements of the IRS and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and if it is not a taxable alcoholic beverage, or poisonous or flammable. The following examples are mailable: a. Cold Remedies. b. Cooking Wine. c. Mouthwash." "422.22 Exempt Mailing Between Federal and State Agencies: Intoxicating liquor is exempt from the prohibition against mailing when it is sent between employees of federal or state agencies who have an official use for the liquor, such as for testing purposes. This exemption is based on the intent of the law to prevent liquor from being transported to prohibited jurisdictions for consumption and to ensure that all proper tax revenues are paid." 422.21 .liquor is mailable if it conforms to the applicable requirements of the IRS and.is not taxable. By its definition in Internal Revenue Code 26 USC 5053(e), homebrew is not taxable. The intent of these laws as stated in 422.22 is to prevent liquor from being transported to prohibited jurisdictions and to ensure all proper tax revenues are paid. Again, homebrew is not taxable and homebrew competitions do not take place in prohibited jurisdictions. The postal service maintains a list of prohibited jurisdictions to ensure patrons do not ship alcohol to these zip codes; this should not be an issue. Clearly, homebrew should be mailable under current statute. <Closing> - --------------------------------------------- Again, 422.21 "A product containing an intoxicating liquor is mailable...if it is not a taxable alcoholic beverage." I have not found this in statute, but then I doubt the Postal folks just pulled it out of their hat and put it in the administrative manual all on their own. I provided them with a courtesy copy of my request for investigation and am waiting for word back from them before I file it officially with my congressman. We'll see.... Thanks for the input, Chad Stevens Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 16:07:24 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Re: Alcoholics Nobody in this group is likely an alcoholic. Alcoholics generally do not drink beer. They drink harder alcohol that gets them drunk quicker and is easier for them to have access to and even hide if they have to. An alcoholic just wants to drink, and will not take the time to brew beer, with 5% alcohol. And as far as my not knowing what I'm talking about, let's just say that my own brother is an alcoholic, and my family and I have been putting up with it for quite some time. He's been in and out of jail for the past 3 years, is now divorced, and cannot even see his own children. None of us even want anything to do with him now, every one of us who has tried to help him in even the smallest way has been punished for it. His only thought nowadays is where his next bottle of vodka will come from. He lies, steals, and does whatever he has to do to get a bottle. That genetic argument came up when my brother heard a story that his (my) grandfather on our mother's side was also allegedly an alcoholic. My brother and I both never met or knew this man at any time in our lives, as he ran away from home and left my grandmother before we were born. We found his death records and later learned that he ran to California and remarried and started a new life there. Anyway, there is no proof that my grandfather was an alcoholic, it's only a rumor. Nobody can verify that, as he left home before any of us were born, my mom was only a child at the time. I don't buy that my brother inherited any trait or gene from a grandfather he never even knew. His home life wasn't much different from mine, either. Yet he's an alcoholic constantly in search of his next bottle, while I can run a homebrew shop and brew my own beer and wine and have cases and cases of it around the house without getting into any trouble. Now why is that, if we both came from the same family? Wouldn't I also have this alleged defective gene? So, yeah, I do have some experience with this topic. I never heard the stuff about Asians before, I did hear it about American Indians before, but assumed it was dumb racist stuff, the same way people say all Irish are drunks. And the latter simply isn't true. Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 22:50:56 +0100 From: David Edge <david.j.edge at ntlworld.com> Subject: Beer flavoured ice cream >The world's first beer-flavored ice cream has arrived. Yes, a slight exaggeration from AFN there. We boil down 500ml of porter and a pint of Welsh Spiced Ale (separately) to about 75 ml. These go in two separate ice creams, the stout has 85ml honey and a teaspoon of coffee granules added, then 450ml double cream, the second just the honey and cream. They're frozen and put into a terrine mould in layers. I love it, my son thinks it is disgusting. That's the original recipe - we now leave the coffee out and cut the honey to appreciate the beer flavours better. Welsh Spiced Ale? Because we made gallons of the stuff to a medieval recipe and it is gross. But ok in ice cream. (I'm using metric because I'm not sure how UK pints and ounces relate to foreign ones.) Someone asked about what to call ale with Tettnanger. Eric. Eric the Ale. Hello, Eric I'm going to drink you. Gulp. Burp. Seriously, CAMRA (UK) is arguing whether to create a separate competition category for "Summer Ales". The problem is that nobody knows quite what they are - but a mostly pale grist and good hop nose are the essence of it. David Edge Signalbox Brewery Derby, UK Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:09:11 -0700 From: "Victor Franklin" <victorfranklin at cox.net> Subject: The best small serving frig I am getting ready to construct a built-in BBQ and eating area in my back yard. I will be adding the essential beer tap, as well. So, I am in the market for a small refrigerator I can put 2 to 3 corney kegs in and run my tap hoses out the top. Most of the under-counter refrigerators I have seen would only fit one (if that) corney keg in them. Does anyone know a brand and/or model of refrigerator that is good for this purpose? I am trying to avoid the high cost of the ready-made Kegerator type refrigerator. Any help is greatly appreciated. For the record, I am a 1-3 pint per night person of homebrew. If I run out, I am a 0-2 beers per night person. Best Regards, Victor Franklin Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 22:43:39 +0100 From: David Edge <david.j.edge at ntlworld.com> Subject: Re: Hopping and Specific Gravity John in Duluth writes: >Since a batch sparge produces two roughly equal volumes of wort, >one of a higher specific gravity than the target and one of a lower >gravity, why not run off in to two boiling kettles? >... >What about hopping? Should I split the hops or hop one of >the worts? Make two beers! Have fun! You can slosh some of the high-grav wort back to the lower to boost it and just get two different beers per brew. Our last brew day produced "Finial", a summer ale; "Costmary" herbal ale and "Adlestrop" with elderflower from a single all-pale mash. The second mash produced "Poodlestabber Stout", but the less said about that the better. David Edge Signalbox Brewery Derby, UK Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 18:17:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Robert Marshall <robertjm at hockeyhockeyhockey.com> Subject: Good Eats beer episode on tonight (Amber Waves) Hi all, Probably too late for anyone to catch it tonight, but since its going to be repeated figured I would post a msg. Earlier this year people mentioned that Alton Brown's Good Eats show would have an episode on home brewing. The episode, called Amber Waves, will be on again. Here's the schedule: Wednesday, June 18 at 6pm PAC Wednesday, June 18 at 9pm PAC Saturday, June 22, at 6:30am PAC This is on the Food TV Channel. Later, Robert Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:41:01 -0700 From: "Parker Dutro" <pacman at edwardwadsworth.com> Subject: Attn. HERMS brewers. More pump stuff Is there someone here using a Little Giant Pump, model 3-MDX, 115V or a 3-MX-MDX? The Little Giant web page says the MDX pumps can handle temps of 150 deg and have 1 foot of head space. Not sure if that's going to cut it, so I was curious if there are brewers using these pumps with no problems. Also, any links to web pages featuring HERMS? Thanks. Parker Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 02:54:52 +0000 From: "Chris Eidson" <eidsonc at hotmail.com> Subject: Thanks. . . For good or bad, thanks to "No Spam" Bill for keeping the digest hopping. Chris Eidson Birmingham, AL Oh, BTW, add me to the list for 2-3 homebrews per day Return to table of contents
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