HOMEBREW Digest #4392 Wed 05 November 2003

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  Swinging Fermentation Temperatures ("Steve Smith")
  Historical brewing/Why I Brew, ad nauseum (Michael)
  Why i stopped brewing / Cost of homebrew (Thomas Rohner)
  Saturday's brew (K.M.)" <kmuell18@visteon.com>
  Re: Fridge Question (Scott Alfter)
  Reasons to Brew (Alexandre Enkerli)
  Re: Why I stopped brewing ("Gary Smith")
  Re: Awards brewing with Extract (Robert Marshall)
  Breweries in Cincinnati (Han Hidalgo)
  Starter wort gravity revisited (Stephen T. Kajdasz)
  rehydrating yeast ("Stephen Cavan")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 21:38:36 -0700 From: "Steve Smith" <sasmith at in-tch.com> Subject: Swinging Fermentation Temperatures A friend of mine who has brewed longer than I, has told me that if room temperatures during fermentation are lower than the suggested fermentation temperature range (within reason), that although the beer will ferment slower, nevertheless it will eventually complete, with no noticeable ill effect to your beer. I'm fermenting a partial extract, partial steeped grain Scotch Ale with a suggested fermentation temperature range of 66 degrees - 68 degrees (using liquid Wyeast 1968 ESB yeast). After primary fermentation in the house, I racked into the secondary fermenter and put the beer in the basement where it is dark, and where although lower, the temperature remains consistently more steady (this is at my mother's country log house property at 4000 feet elevation in the Montana Rockies). In the basement, the brew kept pushing bubbles through the airlock at around 60 degrees air temperature during the first 10 or so days of secondary fermentation. A cold front came through, and the basement temperature dropped to around 55 - 57 degrees for three or four days, and I noticed that the airbubbles stopped perking (the airlock does indicate that there is still carbon dioxide buildup in the carboy). The cold front passed through, and the basement air temperature has come back up to about 60 degrees. I'm not seeing any further bubbling, but don't necessarily expect to. I've just started into the third week of a suggested 4-week-long secondary fermentation. Assuming that I wish to leave the beer in the basement, would the correct course of action be to buy a brew belt, or otherwise bring the fermentation temp closer to the target range, or is my friend right, meaning that I will still end up with excellent beer, even if I leave it in the current 58 degree - 60 degree temperature range and just be sure to wait until fermentation is finished? I assume that the fermentation process has slowed, or possibly the yeast went into hibernation. Are there some guidelines as to when yeast go into hibernation (such as, at what temperature below the suggested fermentation temp range)? Does slowed fermentation result in a worse final product? How about beer in which the yeast went into hibernation, and then became active again? Once yeast goes into hibernation, does it easily become active again? At this point, do I need to take steps to protect my batch? I appreciate any advice, recognizing that many of you have many more years into the art, practice and science of zymurgy than I. In the past, I have brewed excellent beer under similar conditions as I have explained above. Thank you! Steve Smith sasmith at in-tch.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 23:58:35 -0600 From: Michael <grice at binc.net> Subject: Historical brewing/Why I Brew, ad nauseum Thanks to Mike Dixon, Brad McMahon and Ted Enright for their replies about the Homebrew Classics books and the latest edition of the Durden Park circle book. Brewing historical, hard-to-find and rare styles are indeed one of the things that interests me about this hobby. For instance, lambics, Berliner weisses, oud bruins, kolschs and classic American Pilseners range from difficult to find to impossible to find in North America. I have a (p)lambic in a carboy and a Berliner weisse in a keg (although I think an uncovered sour mash was not such a good idea, as I might have to toss it). I am planning to brew a CAP in the near future. I should also mention that homebrewers have played a big role in the revival of certain styles, such as the porter. By the way, anybody have a tried-and-true recipe for gruit? I see a number of sources (Stephen Buhner's Herbal and Sacred Healing Beers, a few recipes on the web), but I'm curious if anyone here has any actual experience. Oh, and Tim Spencer wrote: >All I can say is *WOW*! I received many replies, both >here and by email on my Why I Stopped Brewing post >in HBD 4389. Thanks to all - I really appreciate it! Translation: For God's sake, stop! Michael Middleton WI Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 09:50:29 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Why i stopped brewing / Cost of homebrew Hi all Have you ever thought about how much money you save, during a 8 hour all-grain session.(green fees, hardware store....) Or the coolness factor brewing your own beer.(Hey this guy brews his own beer!) So you don't need to buy a custom Harley Davidson $$$ to be cool. And most HB is consumed at home, so you save on bars and pubs. For me it's not the money, it's a interesting and relaxing hobby with a very nice fallout.(fallouts are beers, ales, meads, ciders and root-berry-fruit-flower-fermentablesomewhats) Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 11:10:12 -0500 From: "Mueller, Kevin (K.M.)" <kmuell18 at visteon.com> Subject: Saturday's brew About a week ago I wrote asking how much grain I could fit into my sankey mash tun for my brew on Saturday. The answer is 39 3/4 pounds, with 10 gal of water!! Filled to the rim. I mashed at around 150, and ended up with about 7 gal of first runnings (post boil, a bit over 1.100). Refilled the tun and pulled about 5 gal (post boil, a bit over 1.050). I was pretty happy at the results. I never use my hydrometer, so it was a stretch to even find it. I figured that since this was my first batch sparge and party gyle, I'd take a reading to see how I did. I filled my carboys and added rehydrated, dry yeast (first time I rehydrated!). I was a little disappointed with the lag time. I had positive pressure relatively quickly (about 5 hrs), but didn't have a foamy head until about 24 hrs. Of course almost immediately after, I almost had a carboy bomb when the first runnings beer plugged the airlock!! Pulled the airlocks, and let things go overnight (on three carboys, I did an extract batch while mashing), and had a nice sticky mess on the floor to clean up in the morning. Better than broken glass though! Gotta love brewing! Kevin Canton, MI Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 09:04:46 -0800 From: Scott Alfter <scott at alfter.us> Subject: Re: Fridge Question On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 at 18:58:42 -0500, "Jay Spies" <jayspies at citywidehomeloans.com> wrote: > I have a dedicated refrigerator for fermentation and for this particular > batch I have it set for 48 degrees. Things seem to be bumping along > nicely. My problem is this: my fridge has a hard time getting down below > about 38 degrees for cold conditioning (I use a Ranco controller to cycle > the fridge...) The freezer compartment is for the most part unused during > fermentation (and most other times as well). Since my coolant lines run > up the back of the fridge, would it be problematic to cut a 2" or so hole > in between the freezer and fridge compartments to let the cold freezer air > flow down into the fridge and basically turn the whole thing into a > freezer? It depends on the way it was built...they all have a line running up the back from the compressor to the evaporator, but if you have any part of the evaporator between the two compartments, you run the risk of punching right through it by cutting a big hole. The typical late-model fridge will most likely have the evaporator at the back (or maybe top) of the freezer compartment, so your only worry would then be to not cut through any control wiring. On the other hand, with the ancient Admiral dorm-fridge-on-steroids that I use for fermentation, the evaporator _is_ the freezer compartment. Generally speaking, turning the whole thing into a freezer would work. Other people use freezers for brewing or serving. I snagged a chest freezer at Costco recently to hold kegs of finished beer...thought I'd get by at first by setting its thermostat to the warmest setting, but that's still sub-freezing. I'm currently designing a temperature controller that'll run both it and the old fridge. (The fridge is currently controlled by some custom interface hardware plugged into an Apple IIe...I could extend its software and build a simpler add-on to enable it to control the other fridge, but I've wanted to try designing a computer from scratch for a while. Now I have an excuse. :-) ) _/_ Scott Alfter ($firstname at $lastname.us) / v \ http://alfter.us/ (IIGS( Southern Nevada Ale Fermenters Union - http://snafu.alfter.us/ \_^_/ Beer and Loafing in Las Vegas - http://www.beerandloafing.org/ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 12:24:02 -0500 From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at indiana.edu> Subject: Reasons to Brew I'm sure there'll be an even larger number of posts on "Why I started/continued brewing" than there was about stopping, but here's mine anyway. Thirteen years ago, when I was 18, our saxophone teacher invited us to a party at his place. There were 12 of us, IIRC, and we had eight cases of twelve large bottles (660 ml) as well as twelve bottles of wine (750 ml). Some of us didn't drink much and several of us drank in a matter of 12 hours (3PM to 3AM). There was a Stout and a Pale Ale (IIRC) which were both good. Despite the amount of alcohol, nobody got sick or otherwise indisposed by alcohol. We all seemed tipsy, but not wasted. Added to this was the fact that our teacher told us his beer cost CAD$0.20 a bottle. I knew from that point on that I wanted to brew. It took ten years and I finally started in 2001. After a while, my list of reasons to brew has become pretty much like Steven St. Laurent's. What I'd add as personal reasons: 1) Sea Monkeys: We (metaphorically) give life to beer but we also realistically give life to yeast cells. 2) Beer as an Artistic Medium: By creating new beers out of our own imagination, we partake in an artistic process. 3) Pasteur at Work: By trying to control so many variables in the process, we learn and experiment several principles of biochemistry. 4) Rites of Passage: There's enough to brewing experience that we can improve in many different ways. 5) Beer Buddies: Brewclubs are a good place to interact with people who love good beer. 6) Tastebiere: Understanding the process of brewing, we learn to taste beer in a new way. 7) Beer Hippies: Taken to the extreme, the DIY ideology behind brewing could bring us closer to the dream of self-sufficiency. 8) Dale Carnegie: Good beer may attract good (non-brewing) friends. Apart from that, I'd like to mention (if it's not completely obvious) that all-grain brewing can become quite cheap if you belong to a club: yeast banks, bulk orders, homegrown hops, shared equipment, split batches... What's the cheapest batch you made Alex, in Montreal [555.1km, 62.8] Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 11:44:13 -0600 From: "Gary Smith" <mandolinist at ameritech.net> Subject: Re: Why I stopped brewing Hi Tim (open letter), You've gotten some really great answers & from yesterdays digest & your post in there it looks like you're still interested in brewing. I think that's good, real good because it's important to do something you have evaluated rather than done as a knee-jerk one or two time event. My first brew was when I was maybe 13 and I put a bunch of Concord grapes in a jar with sugar. All the yeast on the grapes beat out the other beasties & it was tasting great & going strong till my Mom found it & it was pitched (no pun intended). My second brew was in 1976 when I was in college. I was making mead and I had to wait for it to cool on the dorm stove. When I thought it was cool enough to carry back to my room I did so perfectly till I got in the door the heat got to me & the bottle slipped & fell 3" on linoleum. This was a day before Nursing Mid-terms and I spent the entire evening mopping up 5 gal of honey water from my dorm floor. The flies everywhere in the dorm a week later got me in more trouble than the brewing did not to mention the month-long sticky floor I couldn't get rid of... Later, there was the Christmas gift of a homebrew I gave to my RA in the dorm to kinda buy his silence that I was back to brewing again. When I saw him the next semester he came up and told me how overjoyed he was that the bottle exploded in his luggage in the un-pressurized compartment and all his clothes were soaked with beer for his mom to see & smell. Luckily it was in a bag to catch the shards... But there I was, off & running with homebrewing after those glorious starts. As to why I homebrew. There's been a lot of people that have been posting many of the same reasons I have. However, there's a bit o'the willful rebel in me & I really don't like being forced in to doing anything I don't want to do. I didn't like the quality of the beer available in the 70's & 80's. My homebrew sometimes was far better than anything I could buy but if I made it, I made it. That to me was enough in itself. I didn't rely on anyone else for my beer. Time passes & beers improved greatly but so did mine. Nowadays I could drink micro beer forever & be happy with the drink but I wouldn't be doing it myself. Besides, every government entity wants to tax beer because it's an easy cash cow. If you make brew yourself you are exempting yourself from all those pork barrel taxes except for the small taxes on the ingredients. Knowing the Govt. & politicians loath anything they can't control & leverage money from and that homebrew is out of their reach... well that resonates just fine with me too. I'm kind of a geek in that I like making things and making my RIMS brewery was a real thrill to me. I've always wanted to brew all grain and it's been a goal. Now that it's done I use ProMash to plan my next brew & between using that & asking questions/reading answers here on HBD it's really hard to make an average brew anymore. I harvest my yeast so the price of yeast is out of the equation. Hops, grain, electricity & propane are about it for cost anymore and I really can't think of more than literally one or two beers anywhere I like as much as my own. One thing Tim, your first batch might be perfection but it probably won't be. It's a hobby and every mistake & success will be part of your next brew & so on. If you want to make wonderful beer then given enough good practice you will but only if you keep on with it. Cheers, Gary Smith http://musician.dyndns.org/homebrew.html Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 10:36:40 -0800 (PST) From: Robert Marshall <robertjm at hockeyhockeyhockey.com> Subject: Re: Awards brewing with Extract I've mentioned him before, but I'll mention him again. Don Gortmiller, of Pacific Coast Brewing Co. uses extract for brewing his beers in Oakland. And he has won numerous awards at GABF. Robert - ----------------- Tim asked... > My main question: Can anyone relate > an experience brewing an extract > that produced great results? Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:25:27 +0100 From: Han Hidalgo <hidalgo at worldonline.nl> Subject: Breweries in Cincinnati [ Part 1, Text/PLAIN (charset: Unknown "Windows-1252") 10 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ The following text is in the "Windows-1252" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] Breda, The Netherlands, 4.11.2003 Dear Sir, Is it possible to send me a list with breweries in Cincinnati? Thanking you in advance. Han Hidalgo Biercuisine Recipes with beer (www.biercuisine.nl) Return to table of contents
Date: 04 Nov 2003 15:38:28 EST From: Stephen.T.Kajdasz at Dartmouth.EDU (Stephen T. Kajdasz) Subject: Starter wort gravity revisited During the two week session with Dr. Cone a lot of discussion was raised about the best conditions for a yeast starter, particularily the gravity of the starter wort. Steve Alexander has stated that the gravity should be less than 1.028 to keep the glucose level at a desirable level. What I was wondering, and this may be a stupid question, if I want to step the starter up multiple times does the gravity of each subsequent wort addition have to be about twice as high as the previous addition (assuming the volume added is the same at each step) since the wort will be diluted when added to the mostly metabolized starter (in order to keep the gravity at say 1.025), or is it sufficient to add 16oz of a 1.025 starter each time since you just want to give the yeast sugar while keeping the glucose level below 0.4% Thanks everybody. Steve Kajdasz Lebanon, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:20:19 -0600 From: "Stephen Cavan" <scavan at sprint.ca> Subject: rehydrating yeast Just to make the issue of rehydration perfectly muddy... R.E. Muller (et al.) in the European Brewing Convention Proceedings of the 26th Congress 1997 wrote a paper called "Brewery Fermentation with Dried Lager Yeast" pg 431ff. "... while yeast could be rehydrated specifically before pitching with either wort or sugar solutions, almost identical fermentations resulted from direct pitching with untreated yeast" "Thus the method of rehydration/pitching did not influence the outcome of tall tank fermentations and direct pitching was used for all subsequent fermentations." (pg 434) Also as an interesting observation: "rehydration temperature had no effect on lager yeast, but viability of ale yeast fell dramatically when it was rehydrated cold. All subsequent rehydration was conducted at room temperature." (pg 434) Cheers, Steve Return to table of contents
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