HOMEBREW Digest #494 Wed 12 September 1990

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  RE:  New Beer Taxes (Mike Fertsch)
  India Pale Ale recipe request (Ken Johnson)
  Re: Belguim (Todd Koumrian)
  re:Baltimore Brewpubs (durbin)
  Re: Head Retention (Mike Charlton)
  Fermenting Weiss (Michael J. McCaughey)
  New Amsterdam Ale (Steve M. Cohn)
  IPA, oxygen-absorbing caps (Paul L. Kelly)
  Baltimore Brewpubs (Tom Nolan)
  vexing vortices (R. Bradley)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 09:26 EDT From: Mike Fertsch <FERTSCH at adc1.adc.ray.com> Subject: RE: New Beer Taxes Rick Noah Zucker has a good comment on A-B's commercials against the beer tax: > What is interesting is that they say that this tax already costs beer > drinkers in the US $3 billion/year and that it is the single most expensive > part of the beer (I assume they mean theirs). However, they never say how > much it is per beer. They probably don't want people to find out how cheap > their ingredients (including corn) really are. Isn't it great that we buy > these products without knowing how much tax we are paying? Based on data in Michael Jackson's book (World Guide to Beer, 1977), the US consumes 82 liters of beer per person per year (240 12-ounce containers per person per year). With a population of 250 million, this makes total US consumption around 60 billion bottles per year. Taking Jackson's and A-B's numbers as truth, this equates to 5 cents per bottle. Based on other numbers I've seen, a nickel a bottle is more than big brewers spend on ingredients. I recall that packaging costs more than the beer ingredients. Labor is the big ticket item in breweries. Mike Fertsch Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 10:05:51 PDT From: kjohnson at argon.berkeley.edu (Ken Johnson) Subject: India Pale Ale recipe request Does anyone have a good recipe for an India Pale Ale using mashing techniques? Also, I'd love to get my hands on a recipe for a Bavarian wheat beer. When I was in Germany many years ago, I fell in love with the local Hefeweizen. Extremely tasty brew. Ken Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 1990 10:14:40 PDT From: todd at NISC.SRI.COM (Todd Koumrian) Subject: Re: Belguim In response to that other soul out there comtemplating a beer-oriented trip through Belgium and who was curious about languages, I just thought I'd share what I gleened thus far. Belguim has 3 major ethnic/cultural groups, with its own language, and apparently they like to stake their own turf by sometimes refusing to communicate in anything but their language, despite the fact they know others. I believe these languaes are French, Flemish (Dutch?) and German. You know some German, so that's good. French might be a great help as well. Certainly English is going to be a good fallback for touring anywhere in Europe. I took French in high-school some years back, so my plan is to get back up to speed in French before departing and make my way with French and English. Some folks I know are touring Belgium now, and though they didn't know or care about Belgium's beer relevance, I should be able to find out from them what the language situation is when they get back. Todd Koumrian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 13:21:59 EDT From: durbin%cuavax.dnet at netcon.cua.edu Subject: re:Baltimore Brewpubs I know of two brewpubs offhand. One is the Baltimore Brewing Company; it is located right next to Little Italy. The other is Sissons by the Science Center. I don't know the adrresses offhand but you can look them up. The BBC has a good pils and a good dark beer. Sissons has a weizen beer on tap, but only till the end of the summer. prosit! Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 12:43:47 CDT From: Mike Charlton <umcharl3 at ccu.UManitoba.CA> Subject: Re: Head Retention Thanks for all the good advice. My brewing partner and I are going to make a Weizen on Saturday and have decided to do a higher temperature protein rest. I think we did a 126 degree rest for the stout (I don't have my notes here, though). Also, we've changed where we've bought our hops. Previously our hops weren't in very good condition and had alot of other debris in them (like twigs, etc.). I suppose the extra tannins could affect the head retention in an adverse way. Hopefully these two changes will help a bit. Thanks again, Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 13:25:01 PDT From: mrmike at uigelf.ece.uiuc.edu (Michael J. McCaughey) Subject: Fermenting Weiss I'm making a Weiss beer similiar to the one described in TCJoHB. As this is my first attempt at a wheat beer, I'm not as familiar with the details of its fermentation. Basically, what I did was this: I pitched the yeast (Wyeast liquid) when the temp in my 5 gallon carboy hit 75. I waited about 36 hrs for the onset of fermentation...as the ambient temp went up (courtesy of a heat wave here in IL), I refrigerated the carboy ( at 60F) even though there had not been much blow off. That was 17 days ago. I've checked s.g. twice in the last 72 hrs, and it remains as 30 ( I forgot to take an initial - stupid!). There is still some evidence of slow ferementation, but ferentation lock activity is low. I would expect the final s.g. to be around 17...and there was much less blow-off then I usually get from similar volumes of ales, etc. Is my fermentation stuck? If so, what should I do about it? Or am I worrying too much? mrmike (Can't relax - no homebrew at work!) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 11:38:55 PDT From: delaware.desktalk.com!smc at desktalk.desktalk.com (Steve M. Cohn) Subject: New Amsterdam Ale In Homebrew Digest #483, Russ Gelinas mentions New Amsterdam Ale: >On a better note, I tried a new? beer out of Utica, NY called New Amsterdam Ale >(and beer, but the ale is better). Pretty standard for a small-batch brew, but >it is dry-hopped, and has a very nicey, spicey flavor and aroma. A pleasant >surprise. Well, if this is the beer I am thinking of, it is neither new or from Utica. When I lived in New York City (1986), the beer was widely available, and the ale somewhat more difficult to find. I do remember that it had the most remarkable aroma of hops I have ever encountered in a commercial brew. VERY flowery. The reason I am relatively sure it is not from Utica is that it was marketed as the only beer brewed in the borough of Manhattan. I don't know if this is still true, but it certainly suprised many of my friends. Has anyone seen this beer in Southern California? Russ' posting reminded me of how much I enjoyed it, and I would very much like to get some. Thanks, Steve Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 14:03:13 EST From: pkel at psych.purdue.edu (Paul L. Kelly) Subject: IPA, oxygen-absorbing caps Wandering through one of the local liquor stores the other day, I spotted a section of the "import" shelf that had several six-packs of an India Pale Ale. I'm not really sure, but I think the brand name was "Ballantine" or something that began with a B (no flames if I got the name wrong, please). Anyway, when I got home, I was pretty pleased with the quality of the product, and started reading the label. The company that makes it is the oft maligned Falstaff Brewing Company! Needless to say, I was quite shocked, and this probably can explain the fact that I can't remember what brand name the beer was sold by. I definitely recommend giving this beer a try -- and perhaps even a letter to the brewer to congratulate them for making something other than a weak-pee- pilsner. BTW -- the underside of the caps are worth a look -- kind of a beer- drinker's gameshow. Also BTW -- I don't work for any commercial breweries. And speaking of caps, recently on CNN there was a report of a company that is now producing a cap that has a liner designed to absorb the oxygen out of the airspace in bottles. Now that would be something nice for our suppliers to provide to homebrewers. Anybody out there heard anything about this new pro- duct, and whether it will become available for the amateur zymurgist? Anything that will make relaxing a little easier will make not worrying a little easier, too. Zymurgically yours, Paul pkel at brazil.psych.purdue.edu Paul L. Kelly Dept. Psych. Sci., Purdue Univ. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 15:06:09 EDT From: nolan at lheavx.DNET.NASA.GOV (Tom Nolan) Subject: Baltimore Brewpubs To Kim Mills, who inquired about Brewpubs in Baltimore, I can highly recommend both Sisson's on East Cross Street and the Baltimore Brewing Company at Pratt & Albemarle. Sisson's has great food with a Cajun theme (best price on weekday nights when they have dinner specials). BBC is a German-style Beergarden with a menu to match. Both have good brewpub-style beer. Sisson's seems to stress the ales, BBC the lagers. You'd probably want to drive to Sisson's, about a mile down Light Street from the Inner Harbor. BBC is walking distance, right where Little Italy starts. Look for the purple neon. To Cher Feinstein, the Coriolis force is sometimes mentioned as the cause of the vortex if the plug is pulled on a completely still bathtub (and according to this theory bathtubs in the Southern Hemisphere would drain in the other direction). In reality, the Coriolis force is many orders of magnitude smaller than other effects such as residual motion in the water, the shape of the tub and drain, etc. and doesn't have much to do with bathtubs, beer bottles, or anything else on a human scale. Tom Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 14:55:54 CDT From: bradley at dehn.math.nwu.edu (R. Bradley) Subject: vexing vortices In Digest #492, Forrest Cook observes: > When draining the soap or chlorine out of a bottle, make a few rotary > motions with your hand ... The bottle will drain about twice as fast as > it would if it were going glug-glug-glug. I've been using that trick for years now (can't remember where learnt it) and only a couple of weeks ago did the empirical side of my brain convince me to test the claim of quicker draining. With Gallileo's ghost looking on approvingly, I simultaneously inverted two full bottles. I held one steady and spun the other. The result: the spun bottle did drain faster. A little faster. It had little more than a neck-full left in the still bottle by the time the spun bottle was empty. Time savings: about one second. Was it Ben Franklin who said "a second saved is a second earned"? Or was that "time is money"? One thing is indisputable: it's a lot more fun to spin the bottles! Then in #493, Cher Feinstein observed: > The Coriolus effect, btw, is affected by latitude. So, you'll probably > find you get a better vortex spinning the bottle in one direction or the > other, but not both. Much ink has been spilled over the years on the Coriolus effect, in partic., how the vortices in bathtub drains go in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres. I heard (on CBC's "Quirks and Quarks", I think) that although there really is a difference in the force which depends upon latitude and hemisphere, the magnitude of the force is so tiny as to make it irrelevant. The direction of the vortex in your bath (I take showers, personally) is determined by the net spin you exerted on the body of water by sloshing about in the tub. When I drain two bottles simultaneously, I find it easiest to spin the right one clockwise and the left one counter-clockwise. Trying to spin them both in the same direction confuses me as much as trying to rub my head and pat my belly at the same time! On an entirely unrelated note, has anyone noticed that American 6-row malt has ridiculously low yields compared to imported 2-rows? I get almost 80% efficiency from Canadian 2-row, around 70% from its English counterpart, and less than 60% from U.S. 6-row. Is this possible? Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #494, 09/12/90 ************************************* -------
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