HOMEBREW Digest #5034 Sun 23 July 2006

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  follow-on question to pH discussion ("Christian Layke")
  your tax dollars at work: dog booties and beer making equipment ("Peter A. Ensminger")
  What's the answer to the Biscuit malt question? ("Peed, John")
  big stirrer and prop. yeast ("Ben Dooley")
  Grist mill speed (Ralph Link)
  Vacuum Sealed Hops and US-56 rehydration ("Andrew Tate")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:09:10 -0400 From: "Christian Layke" <clayke at wri.org> Subject: follow-on question to pH discussion A.J. posted a very helpful draft version of John's pH discussion. "Let me state the goal right up front: for best results, the mash pH should be 5.1 to 5.5 when measured at mash temperature, and 5.4 to 5.8 when measured at room temperature. (At mash temperature the pH will measure about 0.3 lower due to greater dissociation of the hydrogen ions.) When you mash 100% base malt grist with distilled water, you will usually get a mash pH between 5.7 to 5.8 (measured at room temperature)." I now wonder what the implications are for sparge pH. I've always heeded the warning to not allow the sparge to exceed a pH of 6.0, but I measure it with a temperature-compensating pH meter at sparge temp. Is it possible that the recommendation is to avoid allowing sparge pH to exceed 6.0 at room temperature, and by measuring at 160 to 170 degrees I'm actually allowing the sparge to get too basic? Thanks for any insight. Christian Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:18:26 -0400 From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at twcny.rr.com> Subject: your tax dollars at work: dog booties and beer making equipment This just in from the Associated Press: "More than 10,000 Homeland Security Department workers have purchased cards that let them buy things that are business-related. But investigators are wondering what the need was for dog booties, iPods and beer-making equipment." I don't know about the iPods, but the dog booties were for the search-and-rescue dogs and the beer is for these workers, who deserve a cold one after spending all day in the Katrina mess. Cheers! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY Apparent Rennerian: [394, 79.9] Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 11:26:27 -0700 From: "Peed, John" <jpeed at elotouch.com> Subject: What's the answer to the Biscuit malt question? Neil Spake asked a challenging question on Friday, July 14: "The simple fact is no British brewer does or has ever used these malts [Biscuit/Special Roast] to my knowledge. So, what is in the basic combination of base malt, maybe some crystal, the water and the yeast used by British brewers that these malts are attempting to reproduce?" In other words, why do we use Biscuit malt when the British don't use it? I don't know the answer; I always assumed that the British did use Biscuit malt. Are we using it to emulate the flavor imparted by British water? John Peed Oak Ridge, TN Peed's Wicket Alery Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 23:59:12 -0400 From: "Ben Dooley" <bendooley at gmail.com> Subject: big stirrer and prop. yeast I recently came into posession of an enormous stirplate, large enough to use with a five gallon carboy. I know they are commonly used for yeast starters, but would it be appropriate to put the entire carboy on the stirplate as a supplement to (or in place of) aeration? If so, for how long should I leave it on? Eight hours? Twelve? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. On a marginally related note, does anyone know how American breweries acquire proprietary yeast? I've noticed that several have them. The explanation for the origins of European yeast culture seem obvious, but American breweries, which are much younger, shouldn't, I'd imagine , have had time to develop their own unique strains. Any thoughts? Does anyone culture their own locally acquired yeast? Best and thanks for all the beer, Ben Dooley Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:07:55 -0500 From: Ralph Link <ralphl at shaw.ca> Subject: Grist mill speed I built a mill several years ago and it generally works well. However on ocassion the pulleys slip and grain jams up between the rollers and stalls the action. I am currently using a 1/2 hp.1725 rpm electric motor with a 2" drive pulley and a 14" driven pulley. This gives my 5" roller a speed of alittle over 200 rpm. I would like to do a conversion and use a reduction box witha 40:1 ration and direct drive the whole unit. This is going to drastically reduce my roller speed to 43 rpm, but nothing is going to jam it up. ( I hope) Does anyone have any thoughts on my idea in particular is the roller speed to slow? Private email or a posting is much appreciated Ralph Link West St.Paul Manitoba Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 22:28:47 -0500 From: "Andrew Tate" <atatepilot at hotmail.com> Subject: Vacuum Sealed Hops and US-56 rehydration First, thanks to the contributors to the HBD. I agree it is still the "daddy" of internet brewing. I've been considering buying bulk hops and a vacuum sealer. I'm less interested in economy than convenience and having a fresh, quality product. My volume is pretty low, perhaps 5 gallons every 6-8 weeks. Can anyone advise whether this might be beneficial? Or guide me toward sources and options for the hops and equipment? Also, it is interesting that the US-56 yeast does not recommend rehydrating as some of their other yeast products do. We've seen lots of compelling reasoning from respected authorities about cell wall permeability, viability, petit mutants, etc. with regard to unrehydrated yeast. Can anyone comment on why they might instruct us only to "sprinkle into wort"? Here's to hoping for some spirited discussion... Andrew Tate Boston, MA Return to table of contents
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