HOMEBREW Digest #5217 Sun 05 August 2007

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  missing digests #5214 & #5215 ("Grant Stott")
  Subject: Induction heating? (John Schnupp)
  temperature (leavitdg)
  Re: Temperature Questions ("Craig S. Cottingham")
  Removing Moisture ("Keith Christian")
  Induction heating (Thomas Rohner)
  Temperature question (Thomas Rohner)
  Book review: Ambitious Brew by Maureen Ogle ("Dave Draper")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 19:14:24 +1000 From: "Grant Stott" <gstott1 at ncable.net.au> Subject: missing digests #5214 & #5215 Hi all, Just wondering why I didn't receive digests numbered 5214 & 5215 & if many others had the same problem. I read the html versions so I do know they went out. I thought for a couple of days that I had been un-subscribed & would have to send Pat an email promising not to post any more questions about why it is hard to get an accurate refractometer reading on dark beers. Brewed an American IPA & a German pilsner on Monday 84 liters of very promising beer fermenting away slowly in the brew shed. Regards, Grant Stott Victoria Australia mmmm Beer (Homer Simpson) Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 03:10:28 -0700 (PDT) From: John Schnupp <john.schnupp at yahoo.com> Subject: Subject: Induction heating? From: Dean <dean at deanandadie.net> asks about induction heating >Does anyone know enough about induction heaters to tell me whether it >would be worth looking at building one of these for my HLT and kettle? >My first question is: can it be done on standard 120V/60Hz power? If you read the articles closely you will very quickly get a feel that this is not the sort of heating you would want to use for brewing, at least I wouldn't. OTOH, if you are a tinkering and handyman type person this just might be a project for you. I don't know anything about induction heating other than what I read in your links but I can say that this is not a novice project and certainly fraught with technical challenges, on of which is locating a high power, high frequency RF generator. John Schnupp, N3CNL Georgia, VT '95 XLH 1200 68,900 Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:37:59 -0400 From: leavitdg at plattsburgh.edu Subject: temperature Danny; You can do several things. First, some put t-shirts over the carboy, and keep dousing it with water. This is not real accurate, but can drop/modedrate the termperature a bit. Also, pick yeast/s that can comfortably ferment at higher temperatures. There are some Abbey/ trappists for which this seems to be the case, but check it out carefully in that some do give off the esters and such at the higher end, and you may not want to emphasize that factor in your brews. I will look through my notes to see which yeasts might be candidates for this, and send another email, after the java has kicked in and I am able to think a bit more clearly. I am sure that there are others on the net who can recommend good - high termperature tolerant yeasts. Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 08:17:58 -0500 From: "Craig S. Cottingham" <craig.cottingham at gmail.com> Subject: Re: Temperature Questions On Jul 31, 2007, at 15:18, danny <nuclear_gerbil at yahoo.com> wrote: > So, I don't want to go out and get all the equipment > only to brew sub-par beer, so I guess my question is > am I going to be ok fermenting ales at ~80 (90?) > degrees? Are there certain styles that I can brew and > focus on that will not be heavily affected? Should I > hold out until I move into a larger place where I can > setup a dedicated brew fridge? > > Thanks a lot, everyone! Sorry for the beginner > questions :). First, welcome. Second, don't apologize for asking beginner questions. We were all beginners once. Almost every homebrewing starter kit sold in the US (and possibly the world) is going to include a copy of Charlie Papazian's "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing", which not only addresses this question but many, many others that you're bound to have. (Which is not that I'm saying RTFM, because you don't have the manual yet. :-) In this case, there are a couple of things you can do to keep your fermenting beer a little cooler than ambient temperature, such as parking the carboy/ bucket in a closet or pantry away from sunny rooms, and draping it with a wet T-shirt so that evaporative cooling brings the temperature down a few degrees. As for styles, dark-colored ales generally have and can survive higher ester levels than light-colored ales. Now go buy that starter kit and get homebrewing! - -- Craig S. Cottingham BJCP Certified judge from Olathe, KS ([621, 251.1deg] Apparent Rennerian) craig.cottingham at gmail.com Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 10:11:40 -0700 From: "Keith Christian" <keithchristian at roadrunner.com> Subject: Removing Moisture Hi, What is a product that will prevent moisture build up and mold in a beer frig? Can someone recommend a product for this? ? Would the same product work in a bathroom? Thanks, Keith Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 00:59:33 +0200 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Induction heating Hi Dean i don't think induction heating makes much sense in brewing. First, you need to have a ferromagnetic material in the bottom of your kettle, so converted kegs won't work. The main advantage of induktion in cooking is the elimination of the contact heat loss between the electric heating plate and the kettle. The heat is generated directly in the kettle floor. In a HLT, a submersible heater will certainly have a better efficiency, since all the electrical power that goes in, will be converted to heat energy. 120V in heating applications is always a bit problematic, as soon as you want serious power. Our transportable induction heating plates are 1800W and 2500W. The kitchen stove is in the same power range, but with 4 plates, this is in the 10kW range. I don't know for how much your 120V outlets are rated, we have 15 Amperes but with 230V. This gives you 3450W with 230V and 1800W for 120V. For my brew length, this would be a joke. I'd have to wait all day to heat things up. I use 15kW propane burners at the moment, these heat up my water (13 gal) to mash-in temp in 30 minutes. A while ago i bought a army surplus gasoline burner for around 30$, we tested it with 7 gal cold water. It took 20 minutes to boil, but should only be used outdoors. (Something for mountaintop brewing) Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:31:53 +0200 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Temperature question Hi danny there are certain yeast strains, that can tolerate high temps. Wheat beers and Belgians can tolerate pretty high temperatures. Saison ale would be my choice. As a additional measure, you could wrap a towel or t-shirt around your fermenter and put it in a bucket of water. If you blow with a fan, this would further enhance the cooling effect, as long as the towel doesn't dry out. Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:42:21 -0600 From: "Dave Draper" <david at draper.name> Subject: Book review: Ambitious Brew by Maureen Ogle Dear Friends, I've just read a great book on the history of brewing in the U.S. that I think anyone here would find very interesting. It's called "Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer", by Maureen Ogle. It's a highly readable account, published in 2006 and coming in at about 350 pages, of the history of brewing in this country from the years before the Civil War until 2005. I learned a great deal about things that I thought I already knew, and I suspect many of us would have a similar experience from reading it. I highly recommend it and want to provide a bit of a book review here, so apologies for the somewhat lengthy post. OK, I'm not actually apologizing! To start, here's a passage from the author's foreword: "...It seemed as if everyone I ran into already knew the history of beer in America, and they were more than happy to fill me in on the facts, which went something like this: Back in the old days, Americans enjoyed an abundance of fine, local beers from thousands of breweries that were artisan workshops where skilled brewers crafted ales using only four ingredients: malt, hops, yeast, and water. Prohibition ended that halcyon age. When beer came back in the 1930s, hundreds of breweries opened their doors. Most were owned by old brewing families who were determined to brew only the finest and purest beers. Alas, their dreams died aborning, thanks to the conniving of a handful of corporate behemoths - most notably Anheuser- Busch, Schlitz, Pabst, and Miller. "These Big Brewers scorned honest beer in favor of watery swill brewed from cheap corn and rice. The Big Brewers added insult to injury by using crass commercials, linked mostly to professional sporting events, to sell their foul brew to working-class people. By the 1970s, only a handful of brewers remained and American beer was a thin, yellow concoction with no flavor and even less body. "Baby boomers to the rescue. In the 1960s and 1970s, young Americans backpacked through Europe and there discovered "real" ales and stouts. They returned eager to try their hand at making those beers at home. In the 1980s, some of the homebrewers opened microbreweries and brewpubs. These new artisans crafted beer of the purest and most flavorful sort - and so real beer was rescued from the evil corporate dragons. "...As I dug through archives and old trade journals, I discovered that almost every aspect of that oft-told tale of skullduggery, greed, and woe was false and that the truth was considerably more interesting and complex..." As one who pretty much fully bought in to that "received" history cited above, reading this passage when I idly picked up the book at my local library while my wife was getting her books definitely got my attention, so I checked it out. The story is extremely fascinating and as the author says, hardly any of that "beer legend" is really true, to my great surprise. The history of beer in the US is interwoven with social and political trends that had a deep impact on all aspects of life. These include the post-Civil War rise of national transportation, the advent of industrialization in all areas of the economy, the transition of the country from a largely agrarian to much more urban existence, the direct link between wanton overindulgence in alcohol prevalent in the late 19th century to the rise of Prohibitionist attitudes, the timing of US entry into the first and second world wars, the rise of instant, nationwide communications, the growth of the organized labor movement, shifting gender roles, and much more. It is truly amazing how intimately involved with all of these things was the role of beer in American life. In particular, the transformation of the "Big Brewers" products to what we know them as today was not their choice to save money; in fact corn and rice were MORE expensive, not less, compared to barley in the late 19th century when those recipes were first formulated in response to the advent of Bohemian pilsners, which swept the brewing world in the 1880s. In the mid-20th century, brewers "dumbed down" their beers because that is what US palates wanted-the evidence from across the board on all sorts of food and drink is overwhelming. The vast majority of US consumers wanted the unchallenging, like Wonder Bread and other national brands catering to the lowest-common denominator, and beer was no different, so brewers adapted to survive. Another compelling aspect is how the decades of Prohibition had bred a couple of generations of Americans for whom alcoholic beverages of any kind held virtually no interest - they'd grown up without it being part of their lives. Thus a large effort to "reintroduce" beer to the drinking public was needed. Yet another is the way that, in the post- WWII years, beer consumption dropped to historically low levels as returning GIs (who had been the biggest consumers during the war years) aged and turned largely to distilled spirits. The 1950s was death to hundreds of smaller breweries because of this economic reality, and the big boys got bigger by comparison because only operations of their scale could withstand that kind of market correction. The rebirth of brewing in this country was part of a national re-awakening of interest, during the late 1960s and 1970s "hippie" years, in food and drink with more robust flavors after years of corporate food blandness, from bread to cheese to wine and a host of others, and this had as much to do with the rise of microbrewing as did the desire of homebrewers to make their marks. All in all this is a great book that any brewer would highly enjoy. You'll learn about lots besides brewing, too. For a preview, have a look at the website the author has set up for the book at http://www.ambitiousbrew.com Cheers, Dave in ABQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New Mexico David at Draper dot Name Beer page: http://www.unm.edu/~draper/beer.html Never trust a brewer who has only one chin ---Aidan Heerdegen Return to table of contents
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