HOMEBREW Digest #5478 Fri 02 January 2009

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  Frambois (Joe Katchever)
  RE: Using a coolship to get enough HSA (Kai Troester)
  Removing Cold Break (Fred L Johnson)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 11:14:54 -0600 From: Joe Katchever <joe at pearlstreetbrewery.com> Subject: Frambois Hello all- I brewed up a Frambois for the first time since 2000. I am interested in adding fruit without refermentation. Last time, I filtered it and added pureed fruit directly to the kegs. I will not be filtering this batch, since I no longer have the filter. The batch is 85 gallons into the fermenter. I added about three gallons of puree when the fermentation was trailing off and it roared back to life. The main reason for not wanting refermentation is that I don't want to increase the alcohol any more than it is and more importantly, that I don't want the CO2 to carry of the fresh aromatics of the fruit. I am interested in your experiences and ideas. Cheers, Joebob Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2009 11:26:13 -0500 From: Kai Troester <kai at braukaiser.com> Subject: RE: Using a coolship to get enough HSA Happy New Year to you all! Just catching up on some e-mail: > I just came across an abstract of a very old paper: > > Briant, L. "[Wort] Coolers - Use and Abuse of." > J. Fed. Inst. Brewing, 1904, 10, 286-289. > > The paper is on open wort coolers (coolships) about > which Briant surprisingly notes that "One of the most > important objects of the cooler is to enable the wort > to combine at high temperature (180-190F) with a > suitable quantity of oxygen." > > Unfortunately in this abstract he doesn't explain why > the HSA was desired. Any ideas? Matt, I have seen similar studies and recommendation in older brewing texts (late 1800's and early 1900's). Google scanned a lot of them and makes them available on-line. So I just searched for "Kuelhsiff Sauerstoff" and found this interesting desciption in a German book from 1900: (I had to add a line break so the line is less than 80 characters and I can post this. Just remove the line break when putting this link into a browser) http://books.google.de/books? id=XwA4AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA856&dq=k%C3%BChlschiff+sauerstoff#PPA856,M1 It states that it was desired to oxidize wort components like sugars, protein and hop compounds. It also mentions an experiment in which the oxidation of maltose lead to a much darker color of that wort. It doesn't say why the chemical binding of oxygen was seen as good for the beer. But this book: http://books.google.de/books? id=pk4SAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA495&dq=k%C3%BChlschiff+sauerstoff#PPA496,M1 It talks about mechanical and chemical oxygen absorption and mentions that there was an assumption that chemical oxygen binding (HSA) would benefit the break formation. But it also mentions experiments that were done to show the opposite. In addition to that it says that mechanical oxygen binding is necessary for a good fermentation and that this happens when the wort is cold. In particular when the wort is run over a Berieslungskuehler after the cool ship. Such a cooler runs a thin film of wort a surface that is cooled by pipes filled with ice water. Lastly it mentions that the time on the cool shiop should be reduced for lighter beers (chemical O2 absorption darkens the beer) But Steve already mentioned that wort oxidation is a big No-No in today's brewing. Mainly because the oxidation that leads to darker and less stable beers and the biological instability that comes fom such a large wort surface being exposed to the air. It is really hard to find any operating cool ships in German breweries these days. Even in small museum breweries. My take is that brewers thought that it would be good to oxidise the wort, as much as they also thought that it would be good to boil the heck out of it (2+ hr boil with more than 15% boil-off) but that modern brewing science and the demand for lighter and more shelf stable beer brewed with less energy has changed these believes. Kai Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 11:52:14 -0500 From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at nc.rr.com> Subject: Removing Cold Break Some/many of us, especially those of us who use counter-flow chillers, will allow the chilled wort to stand in a container (fermentor) at cold temperatures (below fermentation tempeature) for some period of time, even overnight, to allow the cold break to form maximally and to settle, after which the clear wort is carefully removed from the cold break, transferred into a fermentor, and then the yeast is pitched. I have never done this since I started using a counter-flow chiller and have lived with cold break in my fermentor, but I understand (according to Greg Noonan) that cold break in the fermentor is to be avoided. For those of you who allow the cold break to settle before transferring to the fermentor, how much volume do you typically lose by this practice? I suspect that in a high gravity wort the break does not settle very well, and one would lose a large portion of the wort accordingly. Fred L Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
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