HOMEBREW Digest #5843 Fri 03 June 2011

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  RE: Weldless fittings and cleaning (Saniclean, Starsan) ("Keith Christian")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 19:27:12 -0700 From: "Keith Christian" <keithchristian at roadrunner.com> Subject: RE: Weldless fittings and cleaning (Saniclean, Starsan) Hi Calvin, It has been over a year since I had brewed last. My brewing kegs, carboys, and Cornie Kegs all need cleaning. While at the brewing supply, there was PBW and Saniclean. I had used the StarSan for years and looked for it. All they had available was the Saniclean. The shop owner said that Saniclean did not foam up as much as the StarSan and that sounded great. But I was a bit concerned about it being a sanitizer. That was the reason for my question/post. I love the fact that the Saniclean did not foam up. That is a great idea for use with the pump. I usually heat up a pot of water and recirculate it through my pump and tubing. Using Saniclean will be easier and it is not boiling hot! Less chance for me to get burned while trying to prime the pump. I am sold! My IPA is tasting great and I am back filling my kegs with HB! BTW, I always screw up on spelling. I am blind and I try to spell things as I hear them;-). I wish product labels were in braille, but I am a bit stuck. I appreciate the correction. Thanks for the reply. Keith - -----Original Message----- From: Calvin Perilloux [mailto:calvinperilloux at yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 7:23 AM To: Homebrew Digest Cc: Keith Christian Subject: RE: Weldless fittings and cleaning (Saniclean, Starsan) Hi Keith, Form your first note, it wasn't clear whether you were using the keg as a keg or as a kettle. Apparently, from other replies, you are using it as a kettle. Right? In that case, as was pointed out, there really is no reason at all to sanitize it. The heat of the boil does that for you. But on the santizing note: You mean Saniclean, not "Santiclean". And Saniclean is fine sanitizer. It is quite close to Starsan in its action and effectiveness. They both use dodecylbenzene- sulfonic acid as the active ingredient along with other acid(s) for pH control (and a few other things). The good thing about Saniclean is that it doesn't foam the way Starsan does, so it is much better for use on pump-driven (CIP) systems. I like it as well for carboys because of the lack of foam, though it's actually fine to rack into a foamy Starsan carboy; the small amount of Starsan does not affect flavor, head retention, or fermentation in any way. (On that latter point, Starsan doesn't hurt yeast or bacteria at all when the pH is above 3.0 or thereabouts.) The bad thing about Saniclean is cosmetic: Lots of homebrewers really dislike the brown, almost oily color! That's just a cosmetic thing, though. And for homebrewers, I think Starsan might be slightly cheaper on a per-mixed-gallon basis. Saniclean and Starsan are good post-PBW rinses, of course, due to their acid content. If you have a *lot* of PBW left in the system, that wouldn't be good because the pH after mixing could rise too high for effective sanitation, so make sure to clear almost all the PBW out of your lines before the rinse if sanitizing is your goal. Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Maryland, USA Return to table of contents
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