HOMEBREW Digest #5990 Fri 04 January 2013

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  Recipes (Thomas Rohner)
  Re: Copper ("David Houseman")
  Re: copper (mossview5)
  Saprkiling mead not sparkling ("Dave Burley")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 09:26:10 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Recipes Hi all When i started brewing, i tried some recipes i read in books or on the net. Many of them used seven or so types of malt and three to five types of hops added at different times in the boil. I tried to follow these recipes religiously at first. I had a huge stress to gather all the stated ingredients, because at that time, Switzerland had one! homebrew shop with limited selection and high prices... I used to order from the U.S. and the EU to get the "required" ingredients. The resulting beers were drinkable, but they all tasted somewhat the same... Then i realized, that it was the desinfectant i used for my plastic fermenters... After i changed the desinfectant, my beers got a lot better ;-) I also changed my supplier and used Weyermann malts and mostly Perle hops. At some point, i brewed a batch with every easily available base malt individually. (Pilsener, Vienna, Munich) Then with Pilsener and different amounts of light and dark Cara and Carafa malts. This gave me the fundamentals for my malt bills. Later, after another change of my supplier, i started using noble hops and adding it also at the end of the boil. This brought my beers on a kickass level, where they were in the league of Sam Adams Lager or Augustiner Helles... Last year, i had some Tettnang hops growing in my yard. I harvested it and dried it in my dehydrator. I added a hop bag full of it at the end of boil. I couldn't believe the impact. The change in aroma was so fantastic and the head retention was worlds better, than with all my attempts in tweaking my mash schedule. I was truly amazed by the impact of whole hops, compared to pellets. My homegrown hops lasted for five 50l-batches and i realized, that no shop in Switzerland sells whole hops :-( But i can order it from Belgium at reasonable prices and i will enlarge my "hop yard" significantly this year. I read almost all the books published on homebrewing and some of the pro books as well. But i realized, that nothing beats experience. Following recipes only distracts you on the path of enlightment ;-) They may be a starting point, but you need to know your ingredients and equipment, if you want to replicate a beer you like. I say that after brewing more than 4000 gallons in the last 20 years. The HBD was also a reliable source and inspiration. I think i'll donate some $$$ Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 07:31:03 -0500 From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at verizon.net> Subject: Re: Copper Steve, No worries about copper toxicity in beer. In fact boiling kettles are called "coppers" because they have been made of copper for centuries. The short time wort is exposed to a copper wort chiller, immersion or counter-flow, is negligible and will not leach too much copper into the wort...and as you found, trace amounts are beneficial to yeast. Brewers without copper in their system (stainless steel only) are known to just add pennies to their kettles to add that trace amount. Sorry, I can't point to any given study, but in my 22 years of brewing I have read a number of articles on this subject and this was never a concern or a problem, but I don't have those references. Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 08:26:46 -0500 From: mossview5 <mossview5 at gmail.com> Subject: Re: copper Copper in wort is a total "non-issue" for brewing. All breweries should include some copper contact in their wort handling to supply copper for the reductive reactions necessary for beer "polishing" and for yeast nutrition. Copper is largely removed from wort in the fermentation process. Colin Kaminski reported in an interview on the Brewing Network that the State of California performed an extensive study on copper in beers and found that all California breweries had copper concentrations well below actionable limits. Copper is a non-issue. Martin Brungard Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 16:08:44 -0500 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave Burley at charter.net> Subject: Saprkiling mead not sparkling Michael, Mead is particularly difficult to ferment unless you pay attetion to the pH and correct it to above about 5 using calcium carbonate. Add about 1/2 teaspoon at a time until it finishes. This has to do with the lack of buffers in the honey ( unlike wine and beer). So get some pH papers and some calcium carbonate and adjust the pH to above 5. Since you already have this batch bottled, you could carefully experiment with adding the carbonate to the bottle and decide if you want to cose up the bottle. Me? I suggest you add the carbonate, let it finish fermenting to dryness and then redose the bottle with a sugar syrup before you close it back up. Good luck and keep on Brewin', Dave Burley Return to table of contents
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